A collection of helpful utilities for working with ASP.NET Core projects. These items are common rules, tag helpers and similar that our team has found valuable.
A number of elements have been moved to the sister netcore project.
Install from NuGet
Install-Package ICG.AspNetCore.Utilities
To utilize the tag helpers modify _viewimports.cshtml
by adding
@addTagHelper *, AspNetCore.Utilities
Caution: As expected the use of both ForceNonWwwRewriteRule and ForceWwwRewriteRule in the same installation will result in broken sites.
This tag helper will hide the content of the target element if the condition is true, an example.
<div hide-condition="Model.Deleted">
This tag helper will show the content of the target element if the condition is true, an example.
<div show-condition="Model.Published">