Django-python3-saml is a Django app designed to allow plug & play SAML authentication setup for Python 3 enabled Django instance.
Run the following command to install:
$pip install django-python3-saml
Create .env file in the same folder as if one does not already exist.
Copy the template below into the .env:
# Fill out all that apply. # On true or false pick the one that applies. # Django-environ expects lowercase true/false # Redirect URL passed to the next parameter. LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL="" # Absolute Path to X509CERT file location. X509CERT="" # HTTPS setting HTTPS=true or false # Service Provider Information SP_METADATA_URL="" SP_LOGIN_URL="" SP_LOGOUT_URL="" SP_X509CERT="" SP_PRIVATE_KEY="" # Identity Provider Information IDP_METADATA_URL="" IDP_SSO_URL="" IDP_SLO_URL="" IDP_X509_FINGERPRINT="" # New User Groups is a list of Groups to assign # Upon new Django account creation. # Environ expects a comma separated string. # E.G. "Now,Is,The,Time" # If no groups to be assigned leave list blank. NEW_USER_GROUPS="" # New Users setup ACTIVE_STATUS=true or false STAFF_STATUS=true or false # Contact Information Technical CI_TECH_GIVEN_NAME="" CI_TECH_EMAIL="" # Contact Information Support CI_SUPPORT_GIVEN_NAME="" CI_SUPPORT_EMAIL="" # Organizational Information EN_US ORG_NAME="" ORG_DISPLAY_NAME="" ORG_HOME_URL=""
Copy the template below into
# Set up django-environ by the instructions # # if the project has a different .env package # simply change the env("variable") to package format import os import sys import environ # This should setting should walk the path # back to the project's root (e.g. where exists) # Three folder back (/config/settings/.env - 3 = /) root = environ.Path(__file__) - 3 # Initialize root function PROJECT_ROOT = root() # Initialize Env function # Environ requires variable casting. # Required variables are initialized # in the ENV_CAST dict below. ENV_CAST = { 'HTTPS': (bool,False), 'NEW_USER_GROUPS': (list,[]), 'ACTIVE_STATUS': (bool,False), 'STAFF_STATUS': (bool,False), 'DEBUG': (bool,False), } env = environ.Env(**ENV_CAST) # Reads the .env file env.read_env() # Set the system path to the base application folder. # This may not be required in your project. # Below is an example setup. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'apps')) # SAML variable houses all .env variables in a single location. # All variable requests in the module will pull from these settings. # The .env file is used for security and should not be committed. SAML = { 'LOGIN_REDIRECT': env("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL"), 'X509CERT': env("X509CERT"), 'HTTPS': 'on' if env("HTTPS") else 'off', 'SP': { 'METADATA_URL': env("SP_METADATA_URL"), 'LOGIN_URL': env("SP_LOGIN_URL"), 'LOGOUT_URL': env("SP_LOGOUT_URL"), 'X509CERT': env("SP_X509CERT"), 'PRIVATE_KEY': env("SP_PRIVATE_KEY"), }, 'IDP': { 'METADATA_URL': env("IDP_METADATA_URL"), 'SSO_URL': env("IDP_SSO_URL"), 'SLO_URL': env("IDP_SLO_URL"), 'X509_FINGERPRINT': env("IDP_X509_FINGERPRINT"), }, 'NEW_USER': { 'GROUPS': env("NEW_USER_GROUPS"), 'ACTIVE': env("ACTIVE_STATUS"), 'STAFF': env("STAFF_STATUS"), }, 'CONTACT_INFO': { 'TECHNICAL': { 'GIVEN_NAME': env("CI_TECH_GIVEN_NAME"), 'EMAIL': env("CI_TECH_EMAIL"), }, 'SUPPORT': { 'GIVEN_NAME': env("CI_SUPPORT_GIVEN_NAME"), 'EMAIL': env("CI_SUPPORT_EMAIL"), } }, 'ORGANIZATION_INFO': { 'EN_US': { 'NAME': env("ORG_NAME"), 'DISPLAY_NAME': env("ORG_DISPLAY_NAME"), 'URL': env("ORG_HOME_URL"), } } }
Add 'django-python3-saml' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_python3_saml', ]
Include the dango-python3-saml URLconf into project like this:
url(r'^saml/', include('django_python3_saml.urls')),
Once the urls have been included as above the SP url paths should be as the following example:
Start Url --> ACS URL --> Enitiy ID -->
Add 'django-python3-saml.backends.SAMLServiceProviderBackend' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS like this:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ 'django-python3-saml.backends.SAMLServiceProviderBackend', ... ]
Setup chosen Identity Provider (IDP) and Attribute Mapping:
Example Google Attribute Mapping expected format for new users: first_name - Basic Information - First Name last_name - Basic Information - Last Name email - Basic Information - Primary Email
- Kristian Oellegaard --> django-saml-service-provider
- OneLogin's SAML Python Toolkit --> python3-saml
- Daniele Faraglia --> django-environ