The introduction for configuring the remote development with Pycharm or VSCode. [中文版][English Intro]
- Windows 10/11
- Pycharm 2023.1 professional.
- Vscode
- Login host, (called login0)
- Port 22 is open for the user (only)
- Support ssh connection with port 22 from WAN.
- computer host, (called gpu0)
- Conda environment, python
- Port 22 is open for the user (only)
- support ssh connection from WAN
- May not support being connected from WAN, similar to the container.
- the docker's container, which runs on the computer host (called container)
- Conda environment, python
- It cannot be connected by the user from the outside of the computer host (or LAN).
- First of all, please config ../.ssh/config. Suggest using the default fold to save id_rsa and
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ref:\Users\account_name\.ssh #-------example-------- C:\Users\ironieser\.ssh #----------------------
Host login01 HostName User your_name Port your_port #-------example-------- Host login01 HostName User ironieser Port 223 #----------------------
- Need upload to login01, gpu0 and the container.
- Linux & Mac
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@host_ip:port
ssh-copy-id user@host_ip:port
, if pulic key is in the default folder.
- Linux & Mac
- Need upload to login01, gpu0 and the container.
- Login host
- Support straight connection
- Computer host
- Support LAN and WAN
- Only Support LAN.
- Need Port forwarding
ssh -J login0 gpu0
ssh -J login0 gpu0
- A bug:
C:\Users\admin>ssh container-12555 CreateProcessW failed error:2 posix_spawn: No such file or directory
- Environment: window10 1909, PowerShell or CMD.
- Solved:
Host gpu0 HostName User user_name Port 22 Host container-12555 HostName Port 12555 User root ProxyCommand c:/Windows\System32\OpenSSH/ssh.exe gpu0 -W %h:%p # The key point. # ProxyJump gpu0
- Docker
Run with port forwarding
docker run -it -v /public/homes/<usr_name>/project:/workdir -w /workdir -p <contrainer_ssh_port_forward>:<container_ssh_port_listenning> --name=<your_container_name> <image_name>:<image_tag> <your shell> #-------example-------- podman run -it -v /public/homes/ironieser/project:/workdir -w /workdir -p 12555:2555 --name=talklip1 localhost/ironieser:zsh-cuda11.3-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04 /bin/zsh #----------------------
Open ssh forwarding in the local host(WAN)
ssh -N -f -L <local_host port>:<docker_host>:<container port> -p <computer_host port> name@<computer_host> -o TCPKeepAlive=yes ssh -N -f -L 6001: -p 22 ironieser@
Add ssh in pycharm
host IP:, port: 6001, name: root <container user name>
Now, we can connect the computer host or container from WAN.
ssh -N -f -L <local_host port>:<computer_host>:<computer_port> -p <login_host port> name@<login_host> -o TCPKeepAlive=yes
If the firewall banned all port but 22, you could use ssh -L
at cmd/PowerShell of local host,
ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 username@compute_node_ip -p 22
Configure port forward
- Add these in your
# config ssh-public-key firstly Host computer_node HostName ip # Default is 22 Port ssh_port User Username Host jump_node HostName ip # Default is 22 Port ssh_port User Username Host my-jupyter-forward HostName computer_node Port 22 User your_username ProxyJump jump_node LocalForward 24000 localhost:24000 # This equivalent -N RequestTTY no
ssh my-jupyter-forward
in your terminal.
- For example:
Host gpu23-tunnel HostName gpu23 Port 22 User username ProxyJump login02 LocalForward 23451 localhost:23451 RequestTTY no
- Add these in your
Just running
ssh -N -L local_port:localhost:computer_port -J jump_node new_computer_node
.ssh -N -L local_port:localhost:computer_port new_computer_node
.- For example:
ssh -N -L 23451:localhost:23451 -J login02 gpu23 ssh -N -L 23451:localhost:23451 gpu23 # Ensure the ProxyJump has been config right
- For example:
- Optional:
-f -o TCPKeepAlive=yes
install wsl on your windows10
install openssh-server on wsl
ssh port:2222 (avoid port conflict), listening_add:, set login in by password and pub key
service ssh reload start status
add them in .bashrc or .zshrc
wsl: enable it to start on boot by running:
sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults
open windows10 port 2222
add auto-start in windows10,
@echo off netsh interface portproxy show all netsh interface portproxy reset netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=2222 connectaddress= connectport=2222
- Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, setup_port_forwarding.bat.
- Press Win + R, type shell:startup, and press Enter to open the Startup folder.
- Place a shortcut to your batch script in this folder.
in your local pc/mac:
ssh -p wsl_port wsl_user@window10_ip
or add it in~/.ssh/config
This is for setting remote Linux to use your local proxy
- (such as v2rayN clash, check http/socks5 proxy port, v2rayN's default is 10808 for socks5, 10809 for https/http)
- Turn on "LAN sharing proxy" of your proxy tool.
- Adjust the firewall for your proxy core (such as vwray, xray, shadowsocks ), and open every option.
export hostip=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}') export hostport=10809 alias proxy=' export HTTPS_PROXY="https://${hostip}:${hostport}"; export HTTP_PROXY="http://${hostip}:${hostport}"; export ALL_PROXY="socks5://${hostip}:10808"; echo -e "Acquire::http::Proxy \"http://${hostip}:${hostport}\";" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf > /dev/null; echo -e "Acquire::https::Proxy \"http://${hostip}:${hostport}\";" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf > /dev/null; ' alias unproxy=' unset HTTPS_PROXY; unset HTTP_PROXY; unset ALL_PROXY; sudo sed -i -e '/Acquire::http::Proxy/d' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf; sudo sed -i -e '/Acquire::https::Proxy/d' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf; '
Note: it works for every LAN device, such as phone, PC, mac. Just add
As above shown, check your proxy software settting and firewall firstly.
- Run this in your localhost's terminal to open the SSH Reverse Proxy.
ssh -R 10809: -p remote_port user@remote_ip
- Run this in your remote host
export http_proxy=;export https_proxy=;export ALL_PROXY=socks5://
curl -O
bash ~/
conda install gcc make -c conda-forge
wget -O zsh.tar.xz mkdir zsh && unxz zsh.tar.xz && tar -xvf zsh.tar -C zsh --strip-components 1 cd zsh ./configure --prefix=$HOME make make install
- Or install by conda
conda install zsh -c conda-forge
- wget
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
- curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- plugins:
- recommend theme: ys
- z
- zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
- vscode
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/vscode
- wget