mvn -pl +admin,+web clean install
mvn -pl +admin,+web clean test
To let gradle know about all modules in project run in Terminal: gradle projects gradle clean build
gradle testClasses
The Maven WAR plugin is responsible for collecting and compiling all the dependencies, classes, and resources of the web application into a web application archive. war: This is the default goal that is invoked during the packaging phase of the project. It builds a WAR file if the packaging type is war.
Using --projects you can specify which modules to build. You can do this by specifying a comma-delimited list of project selectors. A project selector is a string that is composed of the groupId:artifactId, only :artifactId or the relative path to a module.
A module can be selected (default), or excluded from the build. You exclude a module by prefixing the selector with a ! or -. To explicitly select a module, prefix it with a +.
mvn -pl +admin,+web clean install