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MarkitkaM edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 36 revisions
1. Header Items Description
FAVICON The favicon is displaying properly in the browser tab next to the title.
TITLE The title is displaying properly in the browser tab. It contains the text "IsThereAnyDeal".
DISCLAIMER The disclaimer is displaying properly after first loading of the website or after deleting cookies. It contains information for users and two links a "progress" and a "What do you think" By clicking on links users are moved to the Discord channel of the ITAD community. The Disclaimer is possible to close by the cross next to the headline and it is not displaying while the following browsing on the websites.
LOGO The logo is displaying properly and clicking on it moves users to the front page.
SEARCH The search input is displaying properly. There is possible to type text into the input. The search field contains an icon of the loop. The input contains a placeholder with the text "Search on any games and deals" and it disappears after inserting the first letter of the searched expression. By pressing an enter key it moves users to the page with the searched results.
COUNTRY The Country is displaying. It displays a default or selected country, for instance "US". Clicking on it displays a pop-up "Select Country"
Select country - pop-up The pop-up Select country is displaying after clicking on the "Country" in the header. It contains two parts "Select Country" and "Find Country"
Select Country The "Select Country" is displaying properly on the pop-up on the top. It contains up 1 up to 4 last selected countries.
Find Country The "Find Country" is displaying properly on the pop-up below. Clicking on it shows the cursor for typing. Inserting the first letter expands a select box with 5 countries that contain this letter. By typing the full name of any country, for instance, "Canada", it will display Canada to be able to select it. Clicking on "Canada" makes the pop-up disappear and the country "Canada" will display in the item "Country" as "CA"
CURRENCY The "Currency" is displayed properly. It contains a currency according to the default or selected country. By clicking on it is displayed pop-up "Select Currency".
Select Currency - pop-up The pop-up "Select Currency" is displaying properly. Clicking on some currency makes the pop-up disappear and chosen currency will display in the item "Currency".
SETTINGS The Settings is displaying properly as an icon of the "sprocket" and clicking on it moves users to the page "Account Settings"
SIGN IN The "Sign in" is displaying properly. It contains an icon of the "entrance" and the text "SIGN IN". Clicking on it display a pop-up for signing in.
Sign in - pop-up The "SIGN IN" pop-up is displaying properly and contains three parts "Sign in through Steam", "Sign in using IsThereAnyDeal account" and links for forgotten password and for a new creation of the account. The pop-up is possible to close by the cross on the top right corner.
Sign in through Steam The "Sign in through Steam" is displaying properly. It contains an icon of Steam and clicking on it redirect users to the login page After logging in users are redirected back to the ITAD homepage.
Sign in using IsThereAnyDeal account The "Sign in using IsThereAnyDeal account" is displaying properly. It contains 3 items: "Email" input, "Password" input and a button "Sign in".
Email - input The "Email" input is displayed properly. It contains a placeholder "Your email" which disappears after inserting the first letter. It is possible to type into the input. Input is validating a proper email format. The validation of the wrong email format is displayed as a red border of the input, displayed an error message on the top of the pop-up which is possible to close by the cross on the top right corner and while mouse over the input is displayed a white bubble and an error description.
Password - input The "Password" input is displayed properly. It is possible to type into the input but all password characters are hidden into dots for security reasons. If the password is incorrect, on the top of the pop-up is displayed an error message and the incorrect password disappear from the input.
Sign in - button The button "Sign in" is displaying properly. Clicking on the button while inputs are not filled up are displayed red borders around inputs and on the top of the pop-up are displayed two error messages. Clicking on the button while inputs are filled up correctly is moving the user into his account and the page the user was originally on when he logged in is displayed.
Forgot password - link The link "Forgot password" is displaying properly. After clicking on it is displaying a pop-up for a "Password Reset".
Password reset - pop-up The "Password reset pop-up" is displaying properly. The pop-up contains an "Email" input and a button "Reset password".
Email - input The "Email" input is displaying properly. It contains a placeholder "Your email" which disappears after inserting the first letter. The input is validating while it is not filled up or the format of the email is not correct. While validating has the input a red border and on the top of the pop-up is displayed an error message.
Reset password - button The button "Password Reset" is displaying properly. Clicking on the button while input is filled up correctly the pop-up disappears and is displayed a message "Please check your email We have sent you an email with a password reset link"
Password Reset - an email with link The email for a "Password reset" is displaying correctly. It contains a header with a logo and social media icons with links. Informative text about the resetting password and link for the resetting password. By clicking on the link is displayed a pop-up "Set your new password"
Set your new password - pop-up The pop-up "Set your new password" is displaying properly. It contains a "Password" input with a link for strong password recommendation and a "Repeat password" input
Password - input The "Password" input is displayed properly. It contains a placeholder "Your password" which disappears after inserting the first letter. It is possible to type into the input but all password characters are hidden into dots for security reasons.
Use strong password - link The link is displaying properly and clicking on it moves users to the page
Repeat Password - input The "Repeat Password" input is displayed properly. It contains a placeholder "Your password again" which disappears after inserting the first letter. It is possible to type into the input but all password characters are hidden into dots for security reasons.
Reset password - button The button "Password Reset" is displaying properly. Clicking on the button while input is filled up correctly the pop-up disappears and is displayed a message "Your password has been changed You can now log in" where "log in" is a link and clicking on it is displayed the pop-up for signing in.
Password reset (While already logged in) pop-up The pop-up "Password reset - You are already logged in" is displaying properly. It contains a text "You are already logged in as [user name] Go to your settings if you want to change your password." where "settings contains a link" to the Settings page
Create new account - link --> The link "Create new account" is displaying properly and clicking on it displays a pop-up "Create new account"
Create new account - pop-up The pop-up "Create new account is displaying properly. It contains an input "Email", "Password" with link "use strong password", input "Repeat password" and a button "Create new account"
Email - input The "Email" input is displaying properly. It contains a placeholder "" which disappears after inserting the first letter. The input is validating while it is not filled up or the format of the email is not correct. While validating has the input a red border and on the top of the pop-up is displayed an error message.
Password - input The "Password" input is displayed properly. It contains a placeholder "Your password" which disappears after inserting the first letter. It is possible to type into the input but all password characters are hidden into dots for security reasons.
Use strong password - link The link is displaying properly and clicking on it moves users to the page
Repeat Password - input The "Repeat Password" input is displayed properly. It contains a placeholder "Your password again" which disappears after inserting the first letter. It is possible to type into the input but all password characters are hidden into dots for security reasons.
Reset password - button The button "Password Reset" is displaying properly. Clicking on the button while input is filled up correctly the pop-up disappears and is displayed a message "Your password has been changed You can now log in" where "log in" is a link and clicking on it is displayed the pop-up for signing in.
Create Account - button An error occurred during form submission - can't finish this part.
SIGN OUT The "Sign out" is displaying properly. It contains an icon of the "exit" and the text "SIGN OUT". Clicking on it sign out the user.
USERNAME The User name is displaying properly in the right part of the header It is displayed directly after signing up. It is not displayed while the user is not signed up. It contains an icon of the astronaut/robot. Clicking on it moves users to the page "Profile overview".
Desktop Tested
Final Result

2. Main navigation Contains items
Links, Expanding sub-navigation with links
Desktop Tested
Final Result
3. Foooter Contains items
Links for static pages, Links for social media, Links for partners, Link Designed by, Back to top
Desktop Tested
Final Result
4. Home Page Contains items
Widget Highlights, Indie tip of the week, Latest Bundles, Giveaways and Misc. Deals, Trending Deals, Top New Deals, Top at least 75% off, News
Desktop Tested
Final Result
5. Profile Overview Contains items
upp-links, Waitlist + Graphs, Collection + graphs, Changig of countries/currencies, Added most recently
Desktop Tested
Final Result
6. Deals Contains items
Search in Deals, Filters, Filtres drop-down, Sorting - ascending/descending, btn-tgl lite-tgl (reduction of the gamelist), Options, Presets, Game list, Game tags, Game details on the right side, Add to collection, Add to waitlist, Ignore, Flag In Collection, Flag in waitlist, link for seller
Desktop Tested
Final Result
7. Info Page Contains items
Price info, History, Stats, Regions, Add to the waitlist, Remove from the waitlist, Add to the collection, Remove from the collection, Ignore
Link[game page]
Desktop Tested
Final Result
8. Bundles Contains items
Search in Bundles, Filters, Sorting, Options, Presets, Bundle
Desktop Tested
Final Result
9. Bundle page Contains items
Link[number of the bundle]
Desktop Tested
Final Result
10. Vouchers Contains items
Desktop Tested
Final Result
11. Vouchers - Details Contains items
Link[number of the detail page]
Desktop Error
Final Result
12. Giveaways Contains items
Desktop Tested*
Final Result
13. Giveaways - Details Contains items
Link[number of the giveaway]
Desktop Tested*
Final Result
14. Waitlist Contains items
Link[number of the giveaway]
Desktop Tested*
Final Result
  • page for Search results
  • Page Profile Overview
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