SunORain is a weather application that allows users to get the current weather information for any city in the world. The app fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API and presents it in a user-friendly interface.
- Get Current Weather: Enter a city name to get the current weather conditions, including temperature, in Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to work on various screen sizes, including mobile devices.
- Dynamic Weather Icons: The app displays weather icons that change based on the current temperature.
- Fun Weather Texts: Provides fun and engaging text based on the current temperature.
- Error Handling: Handles errors gracefully with user-friendly messages and automatic redirection.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, TypeScript, EJS (Embedded JavaScript templates)
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- API: OpenWeatherMap API
- Enter a city name in the input field.
- Click the "Get Weather" button to fetch and display the weather data.
- Displays the current weather information for the specified city.
- Provides buttons to convert the temperature to Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin.
- Provides instructions on how to use the app.
- If an error occurs (e.g., invalid city name), an error page is displayed with a message and automatic redirection to the home page.
- Dependencies: Imports necessary packages like Express, dotenv, bodyParser, express-validator, and node-fetch.
- App Configuration: Sets up middleware, including static file serving and body parsing.
- Routes:
: Renders the home page. - POST
: Validates the city input, fetches weather data, and renders the weather page or error page. - GET
: Renders the about page.
- Weather Data Fetching: fetchWeatherFromAPI function makes a request to the OpenWeatherMap API and returns the weather data.
- EJS Templates: Used for rendering dynamic content on the server side.
- Home Page (
): Contains the form for entering the city name. - Weather Page (
): Displays the weather information and includes temperature conversion functionality. - Error Page (
): Displays an error message and redirects to the home page. - About Page (
): Provides information on how to use the app.
- CSS (
): Contains styles for the app, including responsive design rules. - JavaScript (
): Handles client-side logic (if any). - Images: Contains weather icons used on the weather page.
npm run dev
npm start