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Wildcart is an e-commerce REST API.

It provides three main elements:

  • products: represents anything a seller can offer on the website.
  • orders: request made by the customers to obviously order and buy offered products.
  • product reviews: gives the customer the space to send feedbacks about the products they bought or have an experience with.

These main elements are manipulated with the provided endpoints through two types of users:

  • customers
  • sellers

Used Technology

Category Technology/Tool
Programming Languages JavaScript
Runtime Environment Nodejs
Web Framework Express
Database PostgreSQL
ORM Sequelize (Active Record based ORM)
Payment Service Stripe
Auth Passport (Authentication framework for Nodejs)
Testing Framework Jest (testing framework for javascript)
Logger Winston (log with different levels written to several mediums like stdout, files, database, etc.. )

Project Structure

├── config                  # general server configurations
├── docker                  # needed dockerfiles 
├── src                     # project source code
├── test                    # automated Unit and Integration tests
├── app.js
├── docker-compose.yml
├── index.js
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json


This directory consists of JSON formated files used to provide the server with general configurations in its different deployment environments, it is manipulated and parsed using config package.


├── api
│   └── Dockerfile      # api server image
└── db
    └── Dockerfile      # database image with its initialization script


    ├── configs     # used packages configurations
│   ├── log.js      # export configured instance of winston logger
│   └── ...
├── controllers     # contain all api layer functions
│   ├── product.js  # export functions for each endpoint used for the products
│   └── ...
├── middlewares     # each file in this directory exports one middleware for a specific task
│   ├── upload.js   # export a middleware for image upload
│   └── ...
├── migrations      # contain all sequelize migration files
├── models          # contain sequelize database models
│   ├── index.js    # initialize and export all defined models
│   ├── product.js  # define product model
│   └── ...
├── routes          # each file in this directory exports a router for a group of endpoints
│   ├── product.js  # export products endpoints router
│   └── ...
├── seeders         # contain sequelize database data seeds
├── services        # contain all business logic and call the external services like the database queries and stripe
│   ├── product.js  # handle all business logic related to the products
│   └── ...
└── utils           # other utilities and functions that is frequently used
    └── ...



The server provides REST interface to its consumers, the API is documented using OpenAPI specs here.

Build And Test

Using docker compose:

docker-compose up --env-file .env --build -d

Environment Variables:

  • ALLOWED_ORIGIN: controls the allowed cors.
  • POSTGRES_USER: postgres database username.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres database password.
  • SALT_ROUNDS: used for password hashing.
  • SESSION_SECRET: used by express-session.
  • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: stripe secret key obtained from a stripe account for the API integration.
  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY: webhook secret used to validate the identity of stripe webhook requests.


E-Commerce RESTful API






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