This project is carried out with the optimizer IBM ILOG CPLEX based on the OPL language, the objective is to determine and optimize the best plans for image acquisition by instruments in a satellite: what order of images will be acquired and by what instrument while respecting a number of constraints.
All details here : Fiche_Projet.pdf
There are 5 data file : spotProba1.dat, spotProba2.dat, spotProba3.dat, spotProba4.dat, spotProba5.dat
We will use the 3 first ones to test and debug your model. Each contains a small problem with only 3 images (2 mono and one stereo) . In the second one, the memory capacity has been lowered, while the duration is increased in the third one. When the uncertainty in not taken into account the payoff for the first one (respectively the second one, respectively the third one) is 70 (respectively 60, respectively 60). Variants pervaded with uncertainty are included as comments in the first file.
The objective is to determine the best acquisition plans for the problems described in files spotproba4.dat and spotproba5.dat, that involve respectively 20 and 40 images. In spotproba4.dat the instruments are supposed to be totally reliable (the probability of failure is equal to 0), while in spotproba5.dat there are non negligible probabilities of failure, especially for instrument 3. To this extend, you will build a model of the problem based on Mixed Linear Programming and/or Constraint Programming. An example of such a program is provided on mooddle that implements the second constraints. It is realized thanks to the ”OPL IDE” environment and script language that call the CPLEX linear solver (if the problem is linear) or the ILOG CP libraries (for CP models).
Run Run_spotProba4.lp and Run_spotProba5.lp on spotProba4.dat and spotProba5.dat to see the results of the model Optimizing_the_acquisition_plan.mod
Details of all results here: RESULTS
Results for spotProba5.dat :
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