a script to upgrade a program and re-start it.
step 1: upload an newer program to server, and rename it another name you liked but don't same as the running program name.
for example, a running program that called 'party', advice the newer one be called 'party.new':
scp ./party who@server:/where/party.new
step 2: edit deploy.sh:
change 'party' at line 2 tarname="party"
to your program name tarname="program"
if name of you uploaded program that newer one is other than 'program.new', you may change line3 oriname="$tarname.new"
to you want.
step 3: deploy
-o|--origin=oriname: indicate which file to upgrade. if set, ignore $oriname in sh.
-t|--target=tarname: indicate which file to be upgrade. if set, ignore $tarname in sh.
-k|--keeplog: if set, keep *.log those saved before.