This document contains a collection of XQL queries for various use cases in Cortex XDR.
dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = EVENT_LOG and action_evtlog_event_id = 4720
| fields action_evtlog_data_fields as aedf, agent_hostname
| filter aedf != null
| alter UserName = replace(json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetUserName"), "\"","")
| alter DomainName = replace(json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetDomainName"), "\"","")
| alter WhoDid = replace(json_extract(aedf, "$.SubjectUserName"), "\"","")
dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = EVENT_LOG and action_evtlog_event_id = 4722
| fields action_evtlog_data_fields as aedf, agent_hostname
| filter aedf != null
| alter UserName = json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetUserName")
| alter DomainName = json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetDomainName")
| alter WhoDid = json_extract(aedf, "$.SubjectUserName")
dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = EVENT_LOG and action_evtlog_event_id = 4624
| fields action_evtlog_data_fields as aedf, agent_hostname
| filter aedf != null
| alter UserName = replace(json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetUserName"), "\"","")
| alter DomainName = replace(json_extract(aedf, "$.TargetDomainName"), "\"","")
| comp count(UserName) as Counter by UserName, agent_hostname, DomainName
dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = EVENT_LOG and action_evtlog_event_id = 4732
| alter WhoDid = action_evtlog_data_fields->SubjectUserName
| alter domainname = action_evtlog_data_fields->SubjectDomainName
| alter GroupSID = action_evtlog_data_fields->TargetSid
| alter MemberSID = action_evtlog_data_fields->MemberSid
| alter GroupName = action_evtlog_data_fields->TargetUserName
| filter (GroupSID = "S-1-5-32-544")
| filter (MemberSid not contains "-512")
| filter WhoDid not contains "$"
| join type = left (dataset=ad_users) as ad ad.security_identifier = MemberSID
| dedup agent_hostname, action_evtlog_data_fields, domainname, WhoDid, sam_account_name, GroupName, GroupSID
config case_sensitive = false
| dataset = xdr_data
| filter event_type = EVENT_LOG and action_evtlog_event_id = 4624
| fields action_evtlog_data_fields as aedf, agent_hostname
| filter aedf != null
| alter UserName = aedf->TargetUserName
| alter DomainName = aedf->TargetDomainName
| alter LogonType = aedf->LogonType
| alter SourceIP = aedf->IpAddress
| alter UserSID = aedf->TargetUserSid
| join type=left (preset=ad_users | fields security_identifier , member_of ) as ad ad.security_identifier = UserSID
| join type=left conflict_strategy=both (preset = ad_computers | fields name, OU, security_group_list) as adcoms = agent_hostname
| alter isDomainAdmin = arrayfilter(member_of , "@element" = "CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=Domain,DC=com")
| filter OU != "Domain Controllers"
| filter isDomainAdmin != null
| fields UserName, agent_hostname, DomainName, logonType, SourceIP, isDomainAdmin, member_of, security_group_list
| dedup UserName, agent_hostname, DomainName, logonType, SourceIP
Feel free to adjust the formatting or content further based on your preferences needs.