The chemistry code KROME is in the process of being made compatible with our AGB circumstellar envelope (CSE) chemistry, usually calculated using the UMIST Rate22-CSE code, see also this link.
Aim: Couple KROME to PHANTOM to run 3D hydro-chem model of AGB outflow.
Why KROME?: KROME is implemented in such a way that it can deal with running in parallel, which is needed for a coupling with PHANTOM.
KROME was once coupled to PHANTOM by W. Homan, see code here. --> Didn't work as it should, chemically speaking.
Chemical networks were added to KROME for AGB outflows by J. Bolte, see details here.
Clone using the recursive option:
git clone --recursive
, to also clone the KROME package.
- Run the bash script chem_netw
with a chemical network as argument.
- Run the bash script
This will make an executable for file CSE_run_krome.f.
- Run the bash script
with a inputfile as argument to properly run the executable.
(Latest first)
Added benchmark to results from ChemPy, see figure below.
Discrepancy in CO between UMIST model and ChemPy model is due to CO self-shielding; this is not present in the ChemPy model.
Added test input file so that users can do a test run.
Benchmark: Still something wrong with (probably) the density/photodissociation.
Found the first bug in the system!! Because of a typo (on my side), the cosmic ray reaction rates were way to high. Fixed this.
In our setup, every timestep the density is lower (
$\frac{1}{^2}$ -law in density). Hence, we cannot use the -useN flag (using number densities), but have to use the -useX flag (fractions). This fixes a lot!
--> Results now are getting decent :D
To do: The photodissociation know seems to set in too late, and too few electrons. See figure, dotted lines are the abundances calculated by the UMIST Rate22-CSE code ("absolute truth"), full lines are the abundances calculated by KROME. The dashed lines are results for the same physical setup by ChemPy.
Reading in parent species file + physical input parameters works. Initialising KROME works. Saving output of KROME works.
KROME chemical evolution does NOT coincide with our UMIST Rate22-CSE code. We (Mats Esseldeurs and me, Silke Maes) think the issue lies within the cosmic ray reaction of H2. In the UMIST Rate22-CSE code it is assumed that H2 is fully self-shielding, so that it stays roughly constant throughout the CSE. At the moment, this assumption is not yet realised in the kromeCSE code.
Note to self: Abundances (resulting from KROME) change when using -useX (mass fractions) or -useN (number density). Check later why!
Correct rates, including radiation parameters
$A_V$ and$\xi$ implemented (more info see Maes et al. 2024), via
originally written by Tommaso Grassi.
KROME runs, but the radiation component for the photodissociation reactions does not work yet.