Hanging out with Spring and Armeria
Name | gRPC Port | Web Port | Docs |
rest-service | x | 8081 | 8091 |
rest-service-reactive | x | 8082 | 8092 |
rest-service-reactive-functional | x | 8083 | 8093 |
grpc-service | 50051 | x | 50051 |
grpc-service-reactive | 50052 | x | 50052 |
grpc-service-transcoding | 50053 | x | 50053 |
grpc-service-reactive-transcoding | 50054 | x | 50054 |
eureka-discovery | x | 8761 | x |
grpc-service-multi-instances | 55555 | x | 55555 |
grpc-client-service-multi-instance | 0 | x | 0 |
grpc-service-multi-instances-arm | 0 | x | 0 |
grpc-client-service-multi-instance-arm | 0 | x | 0 |
Download and compile
mvn clean compile
Then if you don't find all generated classes, please update your project from the specific pom.xml of that module
For REST services just use your preferred HTTP tool like SoapUI
You can use grpcurl to call gRPC services choosing the suitable port
- List services
grpcurl --plaintext localhost:50051 list
- Call method
grpcurl --plaintext localhost:50051 net.protobufs.TreeService.ListTrees
grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"kingdom":"arborus","family":"ent","species":"sheep"}' localhost:50051 net.protobufs.TreeService.CreateTree
grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"treeId":"59679", "kingdom":"arborus","family":"ent","species":"shepherd"}' localhost:50051 net.protobufs.TreeService.UpdateTree
grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"treeId":"151526"}' localhost:50051 net.protobufs.TreeService.DeleteTree
As the option UnframedRequests is enabled in gRPC services, you can also run curl
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' http://localhost:50052/net.protobufs.TreeService/ListTrees
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"treeId":"7952"}' http://localhost:50052/net.protobufs.TreeService/GetTree
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"kingdom":"arborus","family":"ent","species":"sheep"}' http://localhost:50052/net.protobufs.TreeService/CreateTree
HTTP/JSON to gRPC transcoding is explicitly enabled using .enableHttpJsonTranscoding(). This allows the server to convert HTTP/JSON requests into gRPC requests and vice versa. This option is currently developed in grpc-server-transcoding and grpc-server-reactive-transcoding modules.
curl -v http://localhost:50053/api/v1/trees
curl -v http://localhost:50053/api/v1/trees/465984
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"kingdom":"arborus","family":"ent","species":"wild"}' http://localhost:50053/api/v1/trees
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"treeId":"611605","kingdom":"arborus","family":"ent","species":"oak"}' http://localhost:50053/api/v1/trees/611605
curl -v -X "DELETE" http://localhost:50053/api/v1/treess/339919
It is possible to use a browser to call a service using the documentation feature and the correct port shown in the Components section
There is a ready Eureka server necessary to check the compatibility with discovery services. The microservice grpc-service-multi-instances registers itself on Eureka and sends the gRPC number port. On the other hand, grpc-client-service-multi-instance exposes its endpoint but it doesn's have its own database, instead it uses a gRPC stub client to call the methods in grpc-service-multi-instances. Before doing so, it looks up the suitable hostname and port on the eureka-discovery microservice. So if you want to test this proof of concept (PoC), you should run the three components and call the port of grpc-client-service-multi-instance. In this case, It is used the dependency eureka client from Spring framework.
Armeria has its own eureka dependecy, so I have created the same test environment but using this dependency. The microservicies are grpc-service-multi-instances-arm and grpc-client-service-multi-instance-arm. You could use the same Eureka server to check both of them.