- [Environment] (#environment)
- [Structure] (#structure)
![WFMServicesStructure] (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B9c2LY35SH-cYk9POHE3UTM2Vjg "WFM services structure")
- WFM info public site with info about WFM: pricing, docs, contacts etc.
- WFM client https://github.com/IvanRave/wfm-client protected cabinet: manage companies, wells etc.
- WFM admin https://github.com/IvanRave/wfm-admin protected service for database administration (will be moved to Intranet access to protect requests)
- WFM mobile client mobile application created from WFM client using Phonegap
- WFM API methods to manage WFM data. Methods are secured and required authorization. After getting auth token (after registration ang authentication) you can make requests to API
- WFM Report Generate a report for WFM clients
- Petrohelp auth An OAUTH2 provider for Petrohelp services, like this WFM
- WFM API docs https://ivanrave.github.io/wfm-api-docs/ Documentaion for API methods
- Authentication data: a database to store user profiles
- WFM structured data: relational database to store structured WFM data, e.g. companies, well regions, groups, fields, wells
- WFM unstructured data: non-relational storage to store dynamic data, e.g. well perfomance, well monitoring data
- File storage: secured blob storage to store WFM files
- WFM fonts https://github.com/IvanRave/wfm-fonts/ contains section icons for all WFM services
- WFM dictionary https://github.com/IvanRave/wfm-dict/ contains words (with translation) for all WFM services
![CabinetHierarchy] (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B9c2LY35SH-cZEh5aWtNWHpQUVE "Cabinet hierarchy")
- Each company may include many users
- User may be in many companies
- Company may contain many regions
- Well regions divides by fields
- Well field divides by groups
- Well group divides by wells
- Each stage (company, region, field, group, well) contains sections and widgets (widgets per section and more).
- Workspace - UserProfile (upro)
- Employee - Company (company)
- Well region (wegion)
- Well field (wield)
- Well group (wroup)
- Well (well)
- Properties, like name, description, logo
- Widget layouts with widgets
- Sections (view sections and file sections)
- Child stages (for a bottom stage (the Well) - child stages are empty)
Section - it is a part of page view (or part of file manager like a folder).
- Id
- ListOfFiles {Array.} - Files from file table
- IdOfSectionPattern
Name, color, icon, visibility, and other properties of section defined in patterns on admin level. If needed, properties can be moved from pattern to the section level: for example every section can have own name.
- IdOfPattern
- Name {string}
- IconUrl {string} - Icon url
- IsVisibleOnPage {boolean} - Is visible on a page. Some sections can be showed only like folders in file manager: do not show on a page.
- IsVisibleAsFolder {boolean} - Is visible in a file manager (as a folder). Some sections (like summary) can't include files: do not show as a folders
- FileFormatRegularExpression {string} - Regular expression for available file formats
- A section may contain a list of files
- There are two variants of representation of a list of files
- Full view, fmgr-full
- Modal view, fmgr-modal
- A selected stage contains partials:
- fmgr-arousal (button to show a stage view - on the top panel)
- fmgr-modal (a modal window, hided by default)
- A tab of a selected stage (the main workspace) contains partials:
- fmgr-full (list of folders and files)
- widget layouts
- selected section
- fmgr-full and fmgr-modal partials contains fmgr-file-list partial, which contains:
- list of files
- buttons to upload and remove files
- and other features, like sorting, filtering...
Allows to see all files and folders for a current stage. There is a simple navigation between folders (sections). Allows to download files (or quickview, if possible).
Allows to select a file for user's needs. Only one folder corresponding a selected section. No quickview (no download), because only one modal window can be runned.
- Summary (main well parameters)
- Sketch and volumes
- History
- Map
- Log
- Perfomance
- Test
- Integrity
- Nodal analysis
- Report
![ReportStructure] (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B9c2LY35SH-ccHJFemJOU1lfU2c "Report structure")
![WidgetStructure] (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B9c2LY35SH-cbWl3ak94c1pxYWM "Widget structure")
![WidgetStructure] (https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B9c2LY35SH-cY0V3T3pEVWZjanc "Widget structure")
- Well (well group, well field, well region) may contain widget layouts
- Widget layout may contain widget blocks (columns) - 1, 2, 3 or 4 different size columns
- Widget block may contain widgets
- Widget has options (depending of widget type)
- Oil field can contain few maps
- One map can contain few wells (areas etc.)
- Map - is an image (png, jpeg, svg, etc.) with width and height (in pixels)
- Map has a scale coefficient (scaleCoefficient) - pixels per unit of measurement (meter or foot: by default - meter)
- Start point - top-left corner [0,0]
- End point - bottom-right [img.width, img.height]
- Any object on a map has coords: [0 - img.width, 0 - img.height]
One map can have few map views (in well-map section, in field-map section, in any of widgets...)
- Zoom
- Selected tool
- Translate (for panning)
- Selected well marker
- Selected area
- Every well group has few parameters, like 'OilRate', 'WaterCumulative'
- These parameters divided by groups, like 'Rate', 'Cumulative'
- Every well contains a graph and a table with these parameters
- Data (graph and table) builded, using values per day (month, year)
- Select a file with production data
- Select need columns to import
- Import data from this file to a database
- There is a scope of monitoring parameters in a well group (platform)
- Every day a company moderator can point the values for these parameters (a scope of values per well)
- Every parameter includes a procent of change (need to compare with average 30 days data)
- A company moderator can point these procents
- One platform - few parameters
- One well - one procent value per platform parameter
- One parameter - few values (a value per day)
- Every well contains the table and the graph with these values (for some period of time)
- A monitoring table includes a scope of data per well (for current date or some date, selected by user)
- A warning (red) value - is a value, that is out of procent borders, for example: an average value per month = 40bbl; a border procent = 5% (2bbl); a current value = 30bbl (40bbl - 30bbl > 2bbl) -> a current value is a warning value
- Сперва пользователь определяет необходимые параметры для замера. Все возможные параметры можно получить с помощью GET запроса соотвествующего API Данные параметры может редактировать только админ (модератор) сайта. Если пользователь хочет добавить свой какой-либо параметр, ему необходимо связаться с админом (модератором) сайта (пока не утвердились со всей структурой, лучше это делать просто по имэйлу)
- Выбранные параметры необходимо закрепить за скважиной (Well), точнее за группой (WellGroup): для каждой WellGroup свой набор параметров, по которым проводятся тесты всех скважин данной группы. Для связи WellGroup и WfmParameter можно возпользоваться API "WellGroupWfmParameter" (GET - получить, POST - добавить)
- Начало теста. Фактически замер начинается в любое время, принимаемое за начало отсчёта (нулевой час). Со скважины снимаются показатели (соответствующие выбранным параметрам). Каждый новый час - получение новых показателей. Тест длится обычно двенадцать часов или сутки. Для разделения понятий введены два обозначения:
- TestScope - полный тест, набор ежечасных показателей
- TestData - единица теста - данные за определённый час
[{ id: 'summary', name: 'Summary', formatList: ['*'] }, // any file type (main well files)
{ id: 'sketch', name: 'Sketch', formatList: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] },
{ id: 'volume', name: 'Volume', formatList: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] },
{ id: 'history', name: 'History', formatList: ['*'] }, // any file type
{ id: 'map', name: 'Map', formatList: [] }, // file loading forbidden
{ id: 'log', name: 'Log', formatList: [''] }, // las files has empty mime type
{ id: 'pd', name: 'Perfomance', formatList: ['text/plain', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'] },
{ id: 'test', name: 'Test', formatList: [] }, // file loading forbidden
{ id: 'integrity', name: 'Integrity', formatList: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf'] },
{ id: 'nodalanalysis', name: 'Nodal analysis', formatList: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] },
{ id: 'report', name: 'Report', formatList: ['application/pdf'] }]
"CanManageAll":{"AccessCode":1,"Description":"Can manage"},
"CanEditAll":{"AccessCode":2,"Description":"Can edit"},
"CanViewAll":{"AccessCode":4,"Description":"Can view"}
every user has a property "AccessLevel" (which equals SUM of AccessCode from the Enumerator above).
For example: if user "Can view" and "Can edit" then AccessLevel = (4 + 2 = 6).
To check "Whether the user has access to edit (or manage, or view..)?", you may use "bitwise AND":
return (user.AccessLevel & needAccessLevel) > 0