- Responsive design: you can use phone, tablet or computer
- Real-time status update: no need to refresh the page to see new alerts
- XML and JSON: decreases traffic from the server few times which gives lower response time
- Memcache & server side rendering
- Actions:
- quick acknowledgement:
- instant acknowledgement:
- instant scheduling a downtime:
- instant re-check:
- mass operations (for grouped or searched/filtered results):
- Tabs (in type filters you can see count of alerts):
- Grouping (you can turn on/off):
- instant real-time search/filtering
- instant javascript-based sorting
- background refresh:
- 50% percentile duration
- it shows only 1 alert if the whole host is down
- services dependency
- install and run nagios-api: https://github.com/zorkian/nagios-api
- you need to change htdocs/config/config.php.example file content and rename file to config.php:
- $serversList = add information about nagios-api server
- $database = mysql config
- $infoRecordMark = inromation how detect info alert
- $xmlArchive = nagios xml output path
- $memcacheHost = memcache host
- $memcachePort = memcache port
- $memcacheName = memcache key (if you have few nagiosUI)
- $accessControl = access control usage
- $accessControlSuperUsers = superusers list
- $accessControlGroupUrl = contact group path
- $accessControlServiceUrl = services path
- $longAlertsConfig = long alert notifications list
- add data to db:
- notes_urls
- planned_templates
- users_list