- This project is made to practice how to use the Postgres database. The application fetches flags from a PostgreSQL database. The user can submit their answers, skip questions, and see their total score.
- The project is an educational exercise, originally developed as part of the Udemy course "The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp." and I just added aditional "skip" function.
- Responsive
- Score tracking
- Submit, skip, restart function
- Backend:
- Express.js
- pg (node-postgres) - PostgreSQL client for Node.js.
- Database:
- PostgreSQL
- Frontend:
- Bootstrap - For responsive design.
- EJS - HTML with embedded JavaScript.
- Other:
- body-parser - Middleware to parse incoming request bodies.
This project is for educational purposes and is based on content from the Udemy course "The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp.