Not much in here yet. Meant to collect and cleanup code experiments - for example from the WSL Forum (if permission by the respective author is granted). As a kind of incubator / pre-release area for Reactor for code not yet mature enough for publication; or for Fuses just intended as code examples to learn from, or to provide code fragments to be utilized in your own solutions. But a 'centralized' repository most probably makes very little sense in this regard - however, having some examples may help to shape some schema to link between different such repositories?!?
- AudioWaveform by JiPi
- Bokeh by TiDa
- FastGlow by Danell
- CubeMapLoader by nmbr73
- CubeMapUnfold by nmbr73
- CubeMapColorizer by nmbr73
- CubeMapEquirectangular by nmbr73
- SDF Font Example by nmbr73
- AudioWaveform by JiPi
- TitleBurnEffect by TiDa
- Bokeh_Image by TiDa
- Bokeh_AChroma by TiDa
Link Fuses into Fusion
Set PROJECTS to whatever folder you want to clone the project into:
FUSION="/Users/$(whoami)/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/Fusion"
git clone "$(whoami)/Kernfusion"
cd "$FUSION/Fuses"
ln -s "$PROJECTS/Kernfusion/Fusion/Fuses" Kernfusion
cd "$FUSION/Macros"
ln -s "$PROJECTS/Kernfusion/Fusion/Macros" Kernfusion
No idea. Did that once for the Shadertoys setup script, but I don't have a Windows PC and soft links seem to me pretty weird on Windows.
Should be pretty much the same as on macOS ... kind of ... despite the paths ... but if you are on Linux I guess you know what you are doing.
Not a must, but if you want to avoid the need to manually fix paths in comps and such, then you may want to set a 'Kernfusion:' path map to the folder you checked out the repository to.
I don't know; just use Fusion.