Run your cutomizable Omegle bot directly from your terminal!
Open "runme.php" with a script editor like Notepad++ (Windows) or Atom (Machintosh).
On line 7, modify the name of the Bot changing Omegle Bot with the name you prefer
On line 22, modify the message you wanna send each time the bot gets connected to a NEW stranger like you did with the Bot name.
On line 27, modify the message you wanna send when the stranger reply to you like you previously did.
Save the file and open "php.omegle.php"
On line 17, modify the Bot name to the same name you've put in "runme.php" as you already did.
P.S. When modifing the lines, you have to keep the " before and after the text you have written and DO NOT use the same character, instead you can use the single '
Open your Terminal/Console
Write “cd” and drag the local repository folder in the Terminal/Console window (or just write the path to the local repo)
Press Enter
Write “php” and drag the “runme.php” file in the Terminal/Console window
Press Enter
If you have troubles running the repository on Windows check out this guide
This repository is for educational proupose only. You are downloading/viewing/running these files on your own risk, I'm not responsable on how you use them.