- During School I usually miss the notice that could be helpful at achieving higher career. I thought it will helpfull, if there's robot that notice me when new articles come out.
- By these needs I made it by python(bs4) and telegram-bot-python.
- It crawlles e3home Polaris CAU CAU NOTICE every 1 mins by server.
- It checks with latest files
- latest.txt contains title of article which was latest during before run.
- add another website helpful to achieve higher career.
- link with MongoDB to substitue latest.txt files.
- Code Structure:
- Save date and title if new_title is not located in db
- How? : Save whole titles at standard time.
- Managing Data : Delete it from DB after 2 days from article uploaded.
- Save date and title if new_title is not located in db
- Code Structure:
- change MongoDB to
Oraclepostgresql - Convert programming language from Python 2 C
- deleted parameter flag which delays code
- changed parse_format of telegram-bot to 'MarkdownV2'
- bot automatically gets articles body by entering article's address at POLARIS CAU Notice
- defined function name 'md2' that reconfigure texts in html to adjust it to 'Markdown Grammar'
- added MongoDB Syncronization.
- modified md2 function.
- Changed MongoDB to PostgreSQL
- Separated try-catch block by each website segments
- CHANGED req.urlopen → requests.get(url)