- You must have Python installed in your PC
- Required Libraries: Selenium, Pandas, BeautifulSoup, Tabulate.
- Download chromedriver
- Add it in the same directory where is located
- Replace the ---UID---, ---PWD--- placeholders with your Username and Password
- Run it using Daily Attendance.bat or using Command Prompt
Instructions to install required libraries:
- You must have pip installed. It comes along with Python.
pip install selenium
pip install pandas
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install tabulate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configuring Daily Attendance.bat File:
You have to configure Daily Attendance.bat file before using it.
- Copy the folder path where both and chromedriver.exe files were located.
- Open Daily Attendance.bat file and replace the ---Path to python folder--- placeholder with copied path.
- Now you are good to go!
- You can copy the Daily Attendance.bat to anywhere on your computer and can instantly invoke the script.
Useful Links:
- Getting Current Date in Python
- Clicking on a Radio Button
- HTML - iframes
- Scrapping tables using BeautifulSoup, Selenium and Pandas
- Explicit Waits in Selenium
- Find elements by class in BeautifulSoup
- Pretty Printing a Pandas Dataframe
- Tabulate module in Python
- Handling HTML frames using Selenium
- Directory switching to other Drive using CMD
- Modifying Dataframes
- Resizing Batch Script window
- Adding title to Batch Script
Output Screenshots: