Automated neopets income generation!
Currently the only thing that works is Linux.Freebies.harvest, but it works well and should be cross platform! Just run, a frontend-ish for
I've scrapped any progress in Windows in favor of Linux development. Windows work using pywin32 will continue when I have a few flash games in Linux working. Should be soon.
Have fun with this!
##Dependanices In order of importance:
- python2.7
- python-requests
- python-bs4
- python-dogtail
- python-imaging (PIL)
To run the freebie collector, navigate to neobot/Linux/Freebies and run Records of the pages as you collected the freebie are located in neobet/Lunix/Freebies/dump/.
###Windows Make sure to have python2.7, python-requests, and python-bs4 installed before continuing. As of now, you can clone the repo and navigate to neobot/Linux/Freebies and run:
$ python
and run the freebie collector!
###Mac OS Make sure to have run:
$ brew install python-requests
$ brew install python-bs4
before continuing. As of now, you can clone the repo and navigate to neobot/Linux/Freebies and run:
$ python
and run the freebie collector!
###Linux $ apt-get install python-requests python-bs4
$ git clone neobot/
$ cd neobot/Linux/Freebies
$ python
##Finished Features
In order of completion:
- Avatar collector
- Potato counter NEW!
- Faerie crossword solver (uses tdn)
- Daily puzzle (uses tdn)
- Coltzan
- Tombola
- Anchor management (Krawken)
- Toy Box
- Blue Grundo Plushie
- Fruit machine
- Bank interest
- Apple Bobbing
- Obsidan quarry
- Underground Fishing
- Free Jelly
- Free Omelette
- Rich Slorg
- Geripikatu Tomb
- Lunar puzzle
##Upcoming Features
Expect (some of!) these within the coming week!
- Deamon auto-scheduler
- Better frontend <
- Kacheek Seek <
- Marrow Guessing
And if I get mouse control and screen capture working, this is the priority list of flash games, most of which I have existing logic code for.
- Fashion Fever
- Punchbag bob
- Coconut Shy
- Tug-o-War
- Ice Cream Machine
- The Buzzer Game
- Meepit vs Feepit
- Attack of the Revenge
##Known Bugs/Issues
- Logging in isn't registered correctly in, and should be handled better in general.
- Console feedback is missing from
- There's probably a bug somewhere in every file if you look hard enough...