Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer with experience in natural language processing, computer vision, time series classification, model explanability, and interpretable models. I work for Cargill as an ML Engineer.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on personal projects relating to large language models and fault-tolerant neural networks
- ⚡ Fun fact: My GitHub bio contains code written in Brainfuck
- My isosurface-based vase generator, a Python-and-VTK-powered 3D art project
- adventure-llm, playing a classic text adventure with a large language model API
- spelling-bee-cheat, a NYT Spelling Bee tool that uses tf-idf and logistic regression
- Advent of Code 2020 solutions in Python, a project with Alina Jade Barnett. We list our completion time for each problem in the readme. I never expected we would be #80 on the global leaderboard for one problem!
- Banner image generator in Python. This is what I used to make the banner for this readme