This application was designed to provide an online presence to a faux longbaording business equipped with data analytics, CMS tools, and an administrator dashboard. SWIFT provides an all-in-one platform for customers like you to search for longboards from a variety of popular brands.
The goal was to incorporate CRUD functionality, sale projections, data analytics, and an overall e-commerce experience for both customers and administrators. In addition, gaining more experience and deeper understanding of C#, SQL querying (and LINQ), server-side data flow, and relational database management.
- Customers can browse and filter other products on the store page.
- Customers can view info details for each public product.
- Customers can add products to their own cart for purchase.
- Customers can create and edit an Order before completing purchases.
- Cart feature calculates total costs of products and additional shipping costs.
- Customers can delete products in Cart.
- Customers can view their purchased products in their Order History tab.
- Customers can leave reviews on products and give a rating out of 5 stars.
- The average rating of a product is calculated by the total ratings.
- Administrators can edit/update/delete/read customer orders.
- Administrators can create/edit/update/delete/read SWIFT products.