fldgen 2.0: Climate variable field generator with internal variability and spatial, temporal, and inter-variable correlation.
The fldgen
package provides functions to learn the spatial,
temporal, and inter-variable
correlation of the variability in an earth system model (ESM) and generate random
two-variable fields (e.g., temperature and precipitation) with
equivalent properties.
The easiest way to install fldgen
is using install_github
from the
install_github('JGCRI/fldgen', build_vignettes=TRUE)
This will get you the latest stable development version of the model.
If you wish to install a specific release, you can do so by specifying
the desired release as the ref
argument to this function call.
Current and past releases are listed in the
release table at our
GitHub repository.
The data used in this example are installed with the package. They
can be found in system.file('extdata', package='fldgen')
datadir <- system.file('extdata', package='fldgen')
infileT <- file.path(datadir, 'tas_annual_esm_rcp_r2i1p1_2006-2100.nc')
infileP <- file.path(datadir, 'pr_annual_esm_rcp_r2i1p1_2006-2100.nc')
emulator <- trainTP(c(infileT, infileP),
tvarname = "tas", tlatvar='lat', tlonvar='lon',
tvarconvert_fcn = NULL,
pvarname = "pr", platvar='lat', plonvar='lon',
pvarconvert_fcn = log)
residgrids <- generate.TP.resids(emulator, ngen = 3)
fullgrids <- generate.TP.fullgrids(emulator, residgrids,
tgav = tgav,
tvarunconvert_fcn = NULL,
pvarunconvert_fcn = exp,
reconstruction_function = pscl_apply)
A more detailed example can be found in the tutorial vignette included with the package.