Welcome to this data journalism project! 🥳
This project is a self-developed and coded data journalism piece that combines dynamic visualization with in-depth reporting to bring to light the situation of rare diseases, much like an iceberg. You can view the output of this project at https://jjinglu.github.io/raredisease/.
I am thrilled to announce that this project was:
▪ Awarded first prize 🥇 (out of 800 teams) in the 6th China Data Journalism Competition.(http://www.cdjcow.com/show.asp?id=1186)
▪ As well as a nomination in the 2021 China Data Content Competition. (https://awards.data-viz.cn/2021/view/prize.html)
Additionally, I am honored to have been invited by Professor Chengjun Wang(@chengjun)at Nanjing University's School of Journalism and Communication to share and present this project in his undergraduate data journalism course.(https://github.com/data-journalism/data-journalism.github.io/discussions/90)