20130711 - initial creation and population of files
20130712 - updated vpre1.3ce2 with Digikey BOM, and a few part substitutions, no layout changes
20130712 - SandSquid link to the vpre1.3ce2 BOM - http://www.sandsquid.com/#2FwTDG
20130714 - Updated vpre1.3ce2 componets R5, R13, R14 from 1k resistors to 10k to better match the STM spec
20130715 - No changes, just a quick sync of the OSH/Stencil file
20130802 - SandSquid updated to include female housing/pins - http://www.sandsquid.com/#b4xPP5
20130820 - until further notice the online BOM on sandsquid isn't working... I'm working with the company to fix it they have some issues on their side