This is a simple calculator clone for MacOS in Java. It is a simple project for my Java class. It is a simple calculator that can do the basics.
You can download the JAR file from the here. You can run it by double-clicking on it or by running the following command in the terminal:
java -jar Taschenrechner.jar
You can download the project and run it in your favorite IDE. I used NetBeans for this project (I know, I know, I should use IntelliJ IDEA, but for my defense, I wrote the code in VS Code and used NetBeans to run it).
Additional things to mention:
- The project is in Java 8 (Don't ask me why, I don't know)
- The project uses JavaFX
- The project uses Ant
I think you know how to use a calculator, but here are some instructions:
- Click on a number to input it in the display
- Click on an operation to select it
- Tada! You have a result
- Resize the window to see a more advanced calculator. It has more functions. (like square root, power, etc.)
- Drag the window from the left or right side to resize it
- Click on the result to delete the last digit
- The calculator is not perfect. It is a simple project for a Java class
- If you entered the expert mode, you can't go back to the simple mode
- Input from the keyboard is not supported
- Glitches in the design
means calculator in German, I left it like that because I am a German student and I forgot to change it 💀
You are free to use the code in any way you want but don't expect much. It is a simple project for a Java class and I am still learning Java so the code is not perfect.
If you want to contribute, feel free to do so. I am always open to suggestions and improvements.
The project is created by me, things that I used are:
- JavaFX - For the GUI
- Inter Font - For the font
- Apple Calculator - For the design and inspiration
- StackOverflow and my Brain - For the code
You made it to the end of the README. Congratulations! 🎉
Feel free to start this repo and check out my other projects on GitHub 😄