Plugin Name: JPKCom ACF (Pro) Enable Shortcode
Plugin URI:
Description: Shortcodes can be used within a WYSIWYG to display another field’s value.
Version: 2.0.1
Author: Jean Pierre Kolb
Author URI:
Contributors: JPKCom
Tags: ACF, Shortcode, HTML, Gutenberg
Requires Plugins: advanced-custom-fields-pro
Requires at least: 6.7
Tested up to: 6.7
Requires PHP: 8.3
Stable tag: 2.0.1
License: GPL-2.0+
License URI:
Shortcodes can be used within a WYSIWYG to display another field’s value.
Shortcodes can be used within a WYSIWYG to display another field’s value.
For more details visit:
- In your admin panel, go to 'Plugins' > and click the 'Add New' button.
- Click Upload Plugin and 'Choose File', then select the Plugin's .zip file. Click 'Install Now'.
- Make sure 'Advanced Custom Fields' plugin is activated.
- Click 'Activate' to use the plugin right away.
- Fix Stable tag
- Added
- Plugin meta data update
- Initial Release