allows one to create a population of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs).
Using Monte Carlo sampling from input distributions, one can then compare the predictions for various observational constraints.
If you have any questions, please contact
There is no pip installation for now, the simplest way to get this code is to git clone this repository:
git clone
The arborescence is important for this software. Make sure you have the following directory structure (this is the default if you clone the directory):
├── data
│ ├── ECLAIRs (optional)
│ └── cosmology (optional)
├── init
├── model_outputs
├── observational_constraints
└── grbpop
The data/ECLAIRs
directory is optional; you only need it if you want to make prediction for ECLAIRs.
The data/cosmology
directory is also optional; you can create your own cosmology if you wish (see Setting up the cosmology).
A basic example is shown below, if you want more details see Detailed usage below:
import sys
src_dir = 'grbpop/'
sys.path.insert(0, src_dir)
from cosmology import init_cosmology
from GRB_population import create_GRB_population_from
import io_grb_pop as io
import numpy as np
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO,
format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
# Define the paths used by the code
paths_to_dir, paths_to_files = io.generate_paths(conf_fname='config_simple_example.yml',
# Read the input files
config, params, instruments, samples, obs_constraints = io.read_init_files(paths_to_files)
# Code calculates which samples, instruments, and constraints to include
incl_samples, incl_instruments, incl_constraints = io.create_config(config,
# Initialize the cosmology
cosmo = init_cosmology(paths_to_dir['cosmo'])
# Generate the GRB population
gp = create_GRB_population_from(Nb_GRBs=config['Nb_GRBs'],
That's it. Everything you need is in the gp
object which is an instance of the GRBPopulation
You will want to start your code with the following:
import io_grb_pop as io
from GRB_population import GRBPopulation, create_GRB_population_from
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG,
format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
You can change the logging level to INFO
if you wish.
The first thing to do is set up the paths to the various files so that the code knows where to look for what:
paths_to_dir, paths_to_files = io.generate_paths(init_dir=None)
If you did not follow the directory structure presented above, you can provide a init_dir
argument to tell the code where to look for the initialization files.
Once the paths are defined, read the initialization files:
config, params, instruments, samples, obs_constraints = io.read_init_files(paths_to_files, obs_dir=None)
There are 5 files in the init_dir
├── init
│ ├── config.yml
│ ├── parameters.yml
│ ├── instruments.yml
│ ├── samples.yml
│ └── obs_constraints.yml
└── observational_constraints
├── EpGBM.txt
├── Stern.txt
└── eBAT6.txt
Of these 5 files, you will probably want to modify the config.yml
and the parameters.yml
to fit your needs.
You can also specify where the observational constraints are to be found by passing an obs_dir
argument; by default the above structure is assumed.
If you want to add observational constraints see this.
Once you have read the initialization files, create the configuration for the GRB population with:
incl_samples, incl_instruments, incl_constraints = io.create_config(config,
This function sets up the samples, the instruments and the observational constraints that should be included.
The last step before creating the GRB population is to set up the cosmology. If you want to use the default cosmology do:
from cosmology import init_cosmology
cosmo = init_cosmology(paths_to_dir['cosmo'])
If not, to change the cosmology, simply do:
from cosmology import create_cosmology
cosmo = create_cosmology(OmegaM=0.3, OmegaL=0.7, h=0.7, z_step=0.001, zmax=100)
Now that all of the initialization stuff is out of the way, creating the GRB population is as simple as:
io.create_output_dir(paths_to_dir=paths_to_dir, dir_name=config['output_dir'], overwrite=True)
# Create the class instance
gp = GRBPopulation(Nb_GRBs=config['Nb_GRBs'], output_dir=paths_to_dir['output'])
# Draw the properties : z, L, Ep, alpha, beta, t90, Cvar
gp.draw_GRB_properties(cosmo=cosmo, params=params, run_mode='debug', savefig=True)
# Calculate the peak photon and energy fluxes for the included instruments
# Also calculate the probability of detection for the included samples
gp.calculate_quantities(instruments=incl_instruments, samples=incl_samples)
# Create the mock constraints for the included constraints
# Compare the mock and real constraints and calculate the likelihood of the population
# Normalize the population to the Intensity constraint of Stern et al. 2001
This might take a while depending on Nb_GRBs
; I recommend gp
To get the properties of each GRB, simply do:
df =
This returns a pandas DataFrame
of length Nb_GRBs
and with columns depending on your desired configuration. Here is an example:
z D_L L Ep alpha beta \
0 1.432 10391.248459 1.532278e+50 269.700917 0.883468 2.75087
1 3.170 27630.627622 3.344103e+50 211.470520 1.057890 2.49724
2 1.791 13726.341548 8.953720e+51 1613.322041 0.509119 2.19460
3 2.447 20166.409982 5.994049e+50 352.916938 -0.227648 2.56481
4 0.564 3267.229951 5.779901e+50 476.598862 0.855250 2.41085
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99995 1.715 13007.160092 6.000251e+52 14978.008833 0.631182 2.88288
99996 1.355 9698.523642 2.735302e+52 2674.374924 0.328647 2.68191
99997 1.675 12631.304370 4.605083e+50 150.124012 -0.054855 2.14142
99998 4.192 38634.269398 6.952059e+50 604.285453 0.915621 3.14171
99999 2.150 17203.801554 3.449701e+50 138.688225 0.707670 4.04809
ktild Epobs pht_pflx_BATSE t90 t90obs Cvar \
0 0.954909 110.896759 0.034102 84.331929 205.095252 0.241399
1 0.637547 50.712355 0.007777 6.495532 27.086367 0.214844
2 0.680962 578.044443 0.171092 19.495005 54.410560 0.315690
3 3.184627 102.383794 0.036779 8.250524 28.439558 0.144807
4 0.754715 304.730730 0.661843 12.631445 19.755580 0.131637
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99995 1.409505 5516.762001 0.203914 3.885583 10.549357 0.500129
99996 1.852285 1135.615679 0.834032 3.111309 7.327134 0.395769
99997 0.953798 56.121126 0.028595 30.114104 80.555228 0.049988
99998 1.025939 116.387799 0.012345 7.425105 38.551145 0.326739
99999 1.503101 44.028008 0.025734 3.933657 12.391019 0.625070
Eiso erg_pflx_BATSE pht_flnc_BATSE erg_flnc_BATSE \
0 3.119362e+51 5.747455e-09 1.688369 2.845557e-07
1 4.666793e+50 1.199519e-09 0.045259 6.980426e-09
2 5.510463e+52 3.948043e-08 2.938827 6.781508e-07
3 7.161282e+50 6.222786e-09 0.151465 2.562693e-08
4 9.610598e+50 1.347467e-07 1.721161 3.504167e-07
... ... ... ... ...
99995 1.166024e+53 4.948661e-08 1.075859 2.610932e-07
99996 3.368141e+52 2.083402e-07 2.418571 6.041558e-07
99997 6.932280e+50 4.758908e-09 0.115146 1.916327e-08
99998 1.686621e+51 2.091221e-09 0.155502 2.634138e-08
99999 8.482159e+50 3.288671e-09 0.199320 2.547159e-08
0 0.0
1 0.0
2 1.0
3 0.0
4 1.0
... ...
99995 1.0
99996 1.0
99997 0.0
99998 0.0
99999 0.0
[100000 rows x 17 columns]
The column names for the properties
follow a certain structure. There are the properties that are drawn for each LGRB:
Key | Units | Description |
z | - | The redshift of the LGRB source |
L | erg/s | The isotropic-equivalent bolometric peak luminosity |
Ep | keV | The peak energy of the photon spectrum in the source frame |
alpha | - | The low-energy slope of the photon spectrum |
beta | - | The high-energy slope of the photon spectrum |
t90 | s | The duration over which 5 to 95 % of photons are emitted in the source frame |
Cvar | - | The variability coefficient defined as the mean luminosity divided by the peak luminosity |
And the properties that are calculated:
Key | Units | Description |
D_L | Mpc | The luminosity distance to the LGRB source |
Eiso | erg | The isotropic-equivalent bolometric energy |
ktild | - | Normalization factor for the photon spectrum, given alpha and beta |
Epobs | keV | The peak energy of the photon spectrum in the observer frame |
t90obs | s | The duration over which 5 to 95 % of photons are received in the observer frame |
pht_pflx_instr | ph/s/cm2 | The peak photon flux for a given instrument |
erg_pflx_instr | erg/s/cm2 | The peak energy flux for a given instrument |
pht_flnc_instr | ph/cm2 | The photon fluence for a given instrument |
erg_flnc_instr | erg/cm2 | The energy fluence for a given instrument |
pdet_sample | - | The probability of detection for a given sample |
For ECLAIRs, the detection is more complicated as there is a peak flux mode and a fluence mode.
For this reason there is a pdet_ECLAIRs_tot
, for the total probability of detection, a pdet_ECLAIRs_pht_cts
for the photon count probability of detection and a pdet_ECLAIRs_pht_flnc
for a photon fluence probability of detection.
In the same way, the pflx
prefix is replaced by cts
in the table above.
Each sample1 is defined by a minimum peak photon flux and an instrument.
instrument: 'YourInstrument'
pflx_min: 0.42 # ph/s/cm2 in YourInstrument's energy band
For the moment the code only supports samples defined by a peak photon flux cut.
If your instrument is not among the instruments already defined in the instruments.yml
file, you can add it as:
Emin: 10. # keV
Emax: 1000. # kev
To include this sample in the GRB population simply add it to the list of samples in the config.yml
samples: ['Stern', 'EpGBM', 'eBAT6', 'YourSampleName']
The observational constraints are assumed to be histograms of number counts for a given instrument.
The data is collected in the directory observational_constraints
in the form of a text file with 3 columns (left bin edge
, histogram
, error
) separated by tabs.
The name of the file should be the name of the constraint as defined in the init/obs_constraints.yml
To add a new constraint, add to the obs_constraints.yml
instrument: 'YourInstrument'
val_min: 0.42 # ph/s/cm2 in YourInstrument's energy band
prop_min: 'pht_pflx_YourInstrument'
quantity: 'z'
sum_ln_oi_factorial: 6870.371682542675 # this is the sum over all bins of ln(o_i!) where o_i in the number count in bin i
last_bin: 6.0
You can access the mock constraints through:
This returns a dictionary with each key being the name of the constraint as defined in the config.yml
constraints: ['Stern', 'EpGBM', 'eBAT6', 'YourConstraint']
You can access the content of the dictionary with:
>>> gp.mock_constraints['Stern']
{'val_min': 0.066825,
'prop_min': 'pht_pflx_BATSE',
'quantity': 'pht_pflx_BATSE',
'bins': array([ 0.066825 , 0.0841276, 0.10591 , 0.133333 , 0.167857 ,
0.211319 , 0.266035 , 0.334918 , 0.421637 , 0.53081 ,
0.66825 , 0.841276 , 1.0591 , 1.33333 , 1.67857 ,
2.11319 , 2.66035 , 3.34918 , 4.21637 , 5.3081 ,
6.6825 , 8.41277 , 10.591 , 13.3333 , 16. ,
20. , 28. , 50. ]),
'hist_unnormed': array([3544, 3280, 2903, 2805, 2463, 2133, 2043, 1812, 1591, 1391, 1239,
1100, 933, 803, 732, 598, 488, 418, 320, 249, 214, 145,
99, 54, 54, 69, 66]),
'err_unnormed': array([59.53150426, 57.27128425, 53.87949517, 52.96225071, 49.62862077,
46.18441296, 45.19955752, 42.56759331, 39.88734135, 37.2961124 ,
35.19943181, 33.1662479 , 30.5450487 , 28.33725463, 27.05549852,
24.45403852, 22.09072203, 20.4450483 , 17.88854382, 15.77973384,
14.62873884, 12.04159458, 9.94987437, 7.34846923, 7.34846923,
8.30662386, 8.1240384 ]),
'norm': 0.22923047296917426,
'hist': array([812.3927962 , 751.87595134, 665.45606303, 642.99147668,
564.59465492, 488.94859884, 468.31785628, 415.36561702,
364.70568249, 318.8595879 , 284.01655601, 252.15352027,
213.87203128, 184.07206979, 167.79670621, 137.07982284,
111.86447081, 95.8183377 , 73.35375135, 57.07838777,
49.05532122, 33.23841858, 22.69381682, 12.37844554,
12.37844554, 15.81690263, 15.12921122]),
'err': array([13.64643488, 13.12832358, 12.35082216, 12.14056178, 11.37639221,
10.58687483, 10.36111595, 9.75778955, 9.14339412, 8.54940548,
8.0687824 , 7.60271469, 7.00185596, 6.49576228, 6.20194472,
5.60561082, 5.06386666, 4.68662809, 4.10059936, 3.61719585,
3.35335272, 2.76030042, 2.28081441, 1.68449308, 1.68449308,
1.90413132, 1.86227717])}
You can see how well your population fit the constraints by accessing the likelihood_params
>>> gp.likelihood_params
{'chi2_Stern': 32.130352211339904,
'lnL_Stern': -16.065176105669952,
'lnL_tot': -16.065176105669952,
'chi2_tot': 32.130352211339904}
You can find the normalization for your population in:
>>> gp.normalization
{'pseudo_collapse_rate': 2747967987338.383, # Mpc3
'T_sim': 28.41981981981982, # yr
'T_sim_err': 1.0241376511646783, # yr
'R_intr': 3518.6711468965955, # GRB/yr
'R_intr_err': 126.79896024852597, # GRB/yr
'nGRB0': 1.2804629322864484e-09, # GRB/yr/Mpc
'nGRB0_err': 4.6142808370682826e-11, # GRB/yr/Mpc
Alternatively, you can provide your own normalization by replacing the following lines:
# Normalize the population to the Intensity constraint of Stern et al. 2001
# gp.normalize_to_Stern()
# Replace with:
gp.normalize_from(nGRB0=1.3e-9, nGRB0_err=0.4e-9) # Units: GRB/yr/Mpc3
Below are examples of the parameters to include in the init/parameters.yml
file for each possible distribution
For a fixed value use:
model: 'Fixed'
z0: 2.
For a functional form from Springel & Hernquist 2003, Eq. 14:
model: 'SH03'
zmax: 20
zm: 2.
a: 2.37
b: 1.8
For a functional form from Madau & Dickinson 2014, Eq. 15
model: 'MD14'
zmax: 20
a: 0.015 # optional
b: 2.7
c: 2.9
d: 5.6
For a functional form from Hopkins & Beacom 2006 (values are from Kistler+08, Fig.1)
model: 'HB06'
zmax: 20
z1: 0.97 # 1st break
z2: 4.48 # 2nd break
a: 3.44 # low-z slope
b:-0.26 # mid-z slope
c:-7.8 # high-z slope
For a broken power law form:
model: 'BPL'
zmax: 20
zm: 3.11 # break
a: 2.07
b: 1.37
For a broken exponential form:
model: 'BExp'
zmax: 20
zm: 1.9 # break
a: 1.1
b: -0.57
Except the ECLAIRs and SHOALS samples but they had to be hard coded. You can create a new sample by simpling modifying the
file in theinit
directory: ↩