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An very new JavaScript optimizer 🚀
Similar to the Google Closure Compiler
Made by @WojtekCodesToday and the JS Inventions.
Pandoa allows to:
- Optimize JS code, making it faster,
- Remove JSDoc and plain JS comments, ("/** text */" and "//text")
- Solve basic math*, allowing to optimize a lot (such as 1/4*7+8-3 replacing it with 0.75),
- Minify math, JSON and JS functions,
- Deobfuscation JS code,
- Can be used anywhere** if it supports JS,
- The library is written in pure JS, compared to Google's Closure Compiler being half written in Java.
Pandoa dosen't allow (yet):
- Compiling/Transpiling JSX/TS code.
- Error checking on unused ESM, globals.
warnings.- outdated functionality warnings.
- Babel-like compiler.
* That have operators and numbers, no advanced math or the Math object.
** Not talking about other files than index.js
in the source code.