A British developer dedicated to full-time FOSS work in critical cryptographic applications, privacy tech, games, engines and other fun tech bits.
PGP Block
Vector (Rust) - Private & Encrypted Messenger.
PIVX Promos (JS) - A JS implementation of decentralised on-chain gift codes.
My PIVX Wallet (JS) - Secure, private & non-custodial wallet for PIVX. - Web Client
PIVX VanityGen (Rust) - A Rust CLI for PIVX Promos & VanityGen with RPC automation tools.
Oracle (JS) - A beautiful, simple PIVX price tracking web app. - Web Client
Node Bitcoin Miner (JS) - Functional, hackable & educational multi-threaded Bitcoin miner.
Bitcoin RPC (JS) - A reliable, dependency-free Bitcoin RPC interface. - NPM
Checkpoint-rs (Rust) - A simple Bitcoin-based blockchain checkpointing program.
ZENZO Forge (JS) - A high-perf parallelised L2 designed for on-chain games.
Rusty Sandbox (Rust) - A lightweight & customisable 2D Sandbox Engine. - Play
Voxel Engine (JS) - A modular 3D Voxel Engine with fluids and world-gen. - Play
Wallpape.rs (Rust) - A simple, tiny GUI Wallpaper manager for Linux DEs.