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Jim Massey edited this page Mar 15, 2017 · 4 revisions


KioskModeDemo is a device manager program that starts on boot and is based on an example pinned program originally published by sdg. If my customized mobile kiosk mode firefox(fennec_jim) is installed you start it or a webview from the custom homescreen.

The webview starts with a webpage from the sdcard. This allows custom interactive digital kiosk style content in a locked down environment with no need for internet connection. Without the need to be internet connected you can:

  • use standard html to display your content that is stored on the sdcard
  • easily change content by simply changing the sdcard
  • gather user input via html based forms, saved to sdcard, for later use/analysis

If the customized kiosk style fennec_jim(mobile firefox) is installed you can use it to display web content from a given uri.

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