R package for post estimation from MCMCglmm. Predicted probabilities from MCMCglmm probit models
The PDF manual is available under /inst/doc/.
Joshua F. Wiley (2013). postMCMCglmm: Average marginal predicted probabilities from Bayesian ordered probit models. R package version 0.1-2. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11461.
To see some demonstrations of models with MCMCglmm as well as how to use the postMCMCglmm package, run:
# load the package
# see available demos
# run one showing a simple, fixed effects example
demo("simpleMCMCglmm", package="postMCMCglmm")
# for a demonstration of new features in this package
demo("postMCMCglmm", package="postMCMCglmm")