Based on the official Project
Alpine is used as base image, so the image runs on ARM and x64 systems.
You can use following tags on Docker hub:
- latest version release for arm and x86/x64amd64
- latest version for x86/x64armhf
- latest version for arm4.9.0.1
- version release for arm and x86/x644.9.0.1-amd64
- version release for x86/x644.9.0.1-armhf
- version release for arm
First you need to run MySQL or MariaDB server in Docker, and this image need link a running mysql instance container:
docker run --name myadmin -d --link mysql_db_server:db -p 8080:80 jackgruber/phpmyadmin
You can specify MySQL host in the PMA_HOST
environment variable. You can also
to specify port of the server in case it's not the default one:
docker run --name myadmin -d -e PMA_HOST=dbhost -p 8080:80 jackgruber/phpmyadmin