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RFM12b init commands manually translated from RFM01 commands

JackKelly edited this page Oct 11, 2012 · 1 revision

This page is just for posterity.

This page lists the RFM12b init commands that Jack created by translating the RFM01 commands found from sniffing the SPI bus of an EnviR. These commands are no longer used in the code to init the RFM12b because we can now use the RFM12b native commands sniffed from the EDF EcoManager.

void Rfm12b::init_cc () {

Serial.println("Starting rf12_initialize_cc() ");



delay(2000); // give RFM time to start up

Serial.println("RFM12b finished power-up reset.  Starting init...");

// From RFM01 command #1 0x892D
// eb=0 (disable low batt detection)
// et=0 (disable wake-up timer)
// ex=1 (enable crystal oscillator)
// baseband bandwidth = 67kHz
// dc=1 (disable signal output of CLK pin)

// RFM01 command #2 E196 (5. wake-up timer command)

// RFM01 command #3 CC0E (6. low duty-cycle command)
// en = 0: disable low duty cycle mode

// From RFM01 command #4 C69F (8. AFC Command)
// a1 a0 rl1 rl0 st fi oe en
//  1  0   0   1  1  1  1  1
// a  = AFC auto-mode: keep offset when VDI hi
// rl = range limit: +15/-16 (433band: 2.5kHz)
// st=1 st goes hi will store offset into output register
// fi=1 Enable AFC hi accuracy mode
// oe=1 Enable AFC output register
// en=1 Enable AFC function

// From RFM01 command #5 C46A (9. data filter command)
// al ml 1 s1 s0 f2 f1 f0
//  0  1 1  0  1  0  1  0
// al=0: disable clock recovery auto-lock
// ml=1: enable clock recovery fast mode
// s: data filter=digital filter
// f: DQD threshold = 2

// From RFM command #6 C88A
// 3918.5 bps

// From RFM01 command #7 C080 (4. receiver setting command)
// d1 d0 g1 g0 r2 r1 r0 en
//  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
// d: VDI source = clock recovery lock output
// g: LNA gain = 0 dBm
// r: DRSSI threshold = -103 dBm
// en=0: disable receiver

// GanglionTwitch has command CE88 here, my CC doesn't (11. output and FIFO mode)

// From RFM01 command #8 CE8B (11. output and FIFO mode)
// f3 f2 f1 f0 s1 s0 ff fe
//  1  0  0  0  1  0  1  1
// f: FIFO interrupt level = 8
// s: FIFO fill start condition = reserved
// ff=1: enable FIFO fill
// fe=1: enable FIFO function

// From RFM01 command #9 C081 (4. receiver setting command)
// d1 d0 g1 g0 r2 r1 r0 en
//  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1
// d: VDI source = clock recovery lock output
// g: LNA gain = 0 dBm
// r: DRSSI threshold = -103 dBm
// en=1: enable receiver <--- only diff from command #7

// From RFM01 command #10 C200 (7. Low Batt Detector & MCU Clock Div)
// d2 d1 d0 t4 t3 t2 t1 t0
//  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
// d: frequency of CLK pin = 1MHz
// t: low batt detection theshold = 2.2+0 V

// From RFM01 command #11 A618 (3. frequency setting command)
// Fc = 433.9MHz

// From RFM01 command #12 CE89 (11. output and FIFO mode) (gangliontwitch has CE88)
// f3 f2 f1 f0 s1 s0 ff fe
//  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
// f: FIFO interrupt level = 8
// s: FIFO fill start condition = reserved
// ff=0: disable FIFO fill
// fe=1: enable FIFO function

// From RFM01 command #14 CE8B (11. output and FIFO mode)
// f3 f2 f1 f0 s1 s0 ff fe
//  1  0  0  0  1  0  1  1
// f: FIFO interrupt level = 8
// s: FIFO fill start condition = reserved
// ff=1: enable FIFO fill
// fe=1: enable FIFO function

// Reset Mode Command is not set so it defaults to DA00
// (do not disable highly sensitive reset)



// 2. configuration setting command
// 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 el ef b1 b0 x3 x2 x1 x0
// el: enable TX register
// ef: enable RX FIFO register
// b: select band. 01 = 433MHz
// x: load capacitor.
//    0010 (0x2)=9.5pF (from CC RFM01)
//    0111 (0x7)=12.0pF (from jeelib)
//                           ee
//                   10000000lfbbxxxx

// 3. Power Management Command
// 1 0 0 0   0 0 1 0  er ebb et es ex eb ew dc
// er : enable whole receiver chain (automatically turns on crystal,
//      synth, baseband and RF front end)
// ebb: enable RX baseband circuit (missing on RFM01)
// et : enable TX (PLL & PA)
// es : enable synthesiser (must be on to enable baseband circuits)
// ex : enable crystal oscillator
// eb : enable low batt detector
// ew : enable wake-up timer
// dc : disable clock output of CLK pin
//                           eeeeeeed
//                           rbtsxbwc

// 4. Frequency setting command
// 1 0 1 0 F
// F  = 1560 decimal = 0x618
// Fc = 10 x 1 x (43 + F/4000) MHz = 433.9 MHz
spi::transfer_word(0xA618); // 433.9MHz

// 5. Data Rate command
// 1 1 0 0   0 1 1 0   cs  r...
// r  = 10 decimal
// cs = 1
// BitRate = 10000 / 29 / (R+1) / (1 + 7) = 3.918 kbps (from CCRFM01)

// 6 Receiver control command
// 1 0 0 1 0 P16 d1 d0 i2 i1 i0 g1 g0 r2 r1 r0
// p16: function of pin16. 1 = VDI output
// d: VDI response time. 00=fast, 01=med, 10=slow, 11=always on
// i: baseband bandwidth. 110=67kHz (CCRFM01=67kHz)
// g: LNA gain. 00=0dB.
// r: RSSI detector threshold. 000 = -103 dBm
//                   10010Pddiiiggrrr

// 7. Digital filter command
// 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 al ml 1 s 1 f2 f1 f0
// al: clock recovery (CR) auto lock control
//     1=auto, 0=manual (set by ml).
//     CCRFM01=0.
// ml: enable clock recovery fast mode. CCRFM01=1
// s :  data filter. 0=digital filter. (default & CCRFM01)=0
// f : DQD threshold. CCRFM01=2; but RFM12b manual recommends >4
//                           am
//                   11000010ll1s1fff

// 13 PLL setting
// spi::spi_transfer_word(0xCC77);

// 8. FIFO and Reset Mode Command
// 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 f3 f2 f1 f0 sp al ff dr
// f: FIFO interrupt level = 8 (RFM01 & default)
// sp: length of synchron pattern (not on RFM01!!!)
// al: FIFO fill start condition. Default = sync-word.
//     0=synchron pattern
//     1=always fill
// ff: enable FIFO fill
// dr: disable hi sensitivity reset mode
//                               safd
//                   11001010ffffplfr

// 8. FIFO and Reset Mode Command
// 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 f3 f2 f1 f0 sp al ff dr
// f: FIFO interrupt level = 8 (RFM01 & default)
// sp: length of synchron pattern (not on RFM01!!!)
// al: FIFO fill start condition. Default = sync-word.
//     0=synchron pattern
//     1=always fill
// ff: enable FIFO fill
// dr: disable hi sensitivity reset mode
//                               safd
//                   11001010ffffplfr

// 9 Synchron pattern command
// spi::spi_transfer_word(0xCE55);

// 11. AFC Command
// 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 a1 a0 rl1 rl0 st fi oe en
// 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0  1  0   0   1  1  1  1  1
// a: AFC auto-mode= keep offset when VDI hi (RFM01 and default)
// rl: range limit= +15/-16 (433band: 2.5kHz)
// st=1 st goes hi will store offset into output register
// fi=1 Enable AFC hi accuracy mode (RFM01)
// oe=1 Enable AFC output register
// en=1 Enable AFC function

// 12. TX config
// spi::spi_transfer_word(0x9850); // !mp,9810=30kHz,MAX OUT

// 15. wake-up timer command
spi::transfer_word(0xE000); // NOT USE

// 16. Low duty cycle
spi::transfer_word(0xC80E); // NOT USE (last bit is 0 -> disable lower duty cycle mode)

// 17. low battery detector and micro controller clock div
spi::transfer_word(0xC000); // 1.0MHz,2.2V

Serial.println("attaching interrupt");
attachInterrupt(0, interrupt_handler, LOW);

Serial.println("Done init.");