- 👋 我是JackWu,一名热爱开源的普通废物大学生
- ❌ 不擅长数学
- ⭕ 英语相对擅长
- 🐵 半个老二刺猿
- 🐍 擅长Python以及爬虫(靠易姐的api文档起家)
- ☕️
正在学习kotlin,现在在搞mirai bot和安卓项目,上大学后开始攻java和算法 - 🤔 今后尝试学习C
- 💻 只要是我感兴趣的Project,我就会学习或者写
- 🌱 个人的编程能力以及计算机知识储备不强(能被同龄的大佬甩几条街),但我会一直学习它
- 💞️ 我梦想是同广大开源爱好者们共同合作开发
- 📫 你可以这样联系我 jackwu438@gmail.com
It`s really very pleasant to meet everyone here.
- 👋 I am JackWu,a normal and "crap" college student who love open sorce.
- ❌ NOT good at Math.
- ⭕ Good at English.(By contrast)
- 🐵 Half of a ACG lover.
- 🐍 Good at Python and Internet Worn.(By the api documents host by @SocialsisterYi)
- ☕️
Learning kotlin,Doing QQ bots based in miraiand Android ProjectStarted to learn java since college. - 🤔 Will try to learn C.
- 💻 I will learn and write just as long as I interested in.
- 🌱 My ability of programming and the computer knowledge is not so much.But I will keep learning it.
- 💞️ My dream is developing a project with everyone together.
- 📫 Yon can contact me by jackwu438@gmail.com
"May not be able to, and anticipated" the spirit of open source will always in my heart.