Python package for interacting with Stratis (STRAX) full node and Cirrus/Interflux sidechain.
pip install pystratis
pip install git+
pip install pystratis[test]
- Node and network basics
- Using Pystratis.core
- Wallet basics
- Sending a transaction
- Smart contract basics
- Sending a CrossChain Transaction
- ColdStaking
from pystratis.nodes import StraxNode
node = StraxNode()
# Back up the mnemonic phrase, that's the only thing that could restore your wallet.
mnemonic = node.wallet.create(name='MyWallet', password='qwerty12345', passphrase='')
from pystratis.nodes import StraxNode
from pystratis.core.networks import StraxMain
from pystratis.core.types import uint256, Money, Address
from pystratis.core import Outpoint, Recipient
node = StraxNode()
# Get first spendable transaction.
s_tx = node.wallet.spendable_transactions(wallet_name='MyWallet').transactions[0]
# Set our own address as recipient of change, use Money arithmetic for amount calculations.
recipient_self = Recipient(destinationAddress=s_tx.address, amount=s_tx.amount - Money(1.0),
recipient_another = Recipient(destinationAddress=Address('<another address>', network=StraxMain()), amount=Money(1.0),
# Spend utxo from our transaction.
outpoint = Outpoint(transaction_id=s_tx.transaction_id, index=s_tx.index)
built_transaction = node.wallet.build_transaction(wallet_name='MyWallet', password='qwerty12345', outpoints=[outpoint],
recipients=[recipient_self, recipient_another], fee_type='high')
- Unit tests:
pytest -m "not integration_test"
- Strax integration tests:
pytest -m "strax_integration_test"
- Cirrus integration tests:
pytest -m "cirrus_integration_test"
- Interflux integration tests:
pytest -m "interflux_integration_test"
- Mainnet integration tests:
pytest -m "mainnet_test"
- Integration tests:
pytest -m "integration_test"
- Everything:
- Coverage:
coverage run -m pytest
- Coverage report:
coverage report -m
ReadTheDocs API documentation can be found at
Documentation can be build locally with the following commands:
cd doc_build
make html
- Other output options:
make help
- After building, documentation for
make html
can be found in docs/html/index.html, open with your favorite browser.
Thanks goes to @TjadenFroyda for his contributions in kickstarting this repository.
- Initial pystratis release