- 🚀IamNeo.ai-talent-center
- A easier way to analyse the current details of various candidates and their descriptions.
- Use drag and drop to move the cards.
- Available containers,
- 1️⃣ Open .
- 2️⃣ Contacted .
- 3️⃣ Written test .
- 4️⃣ Written test completed.
- NOTE : cards are limited to move only between neighbour columns
- This is due to we can't directly goto the written test stage without contacting the organizer,
Client: ReactJs
Package Manager: npm
Hosting: Netlify
Clone the project
git clone gh repo clone Jagadeesh-tamizh/iamneo-project
Go to the project directory
cd iamneo-project-main
Install dependencies
npm install
Make build package
npm run build
Start the server
npm install -g serve
serve -s build