My name is Jair Lopes Junior, I am a developer. I love to program and study constantly.
🔭 I currently work at Cognizant, which offers complete and efficient solutions for public management.
🌱 I'm currently learning Angular, Java, Spring and Relational Database.
💬 Fascinated by the technology area, I chose to transform an inspiration into my profession. I completed the Sistemas para Internet course at the Faculty of Technology at ARARAS and i'm currently studying Desenvolvimento de Software Multiplataforma, I had the opportunity to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the IT field as an intern at VARITUS BRASIL (Fiscal segment company) since 2018 and later I was hired as a Junior Java Programmer and worked at VR Software, a retail company, working with Angular, Node, TypeScript, TypeORM and NestJS.
📫 How to reach me: Email: