Adonalsium is a project designed to map the intricate relationships within Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere universe. Inspired by the Network of Thrones, this project visualizes the connections between characters, locations, and events across the various books and series that make up the Cosmere.
You can view the current iteration of the web graph here.
These tools aim to provide an interactive and dynamic representation of the complex web of relationships within the expansive Cosmere universe.
- Interactive Web Graph frontend: Explore the relationships with a fully interactive graph that allows you to navigate connections in a visually intuitive manner.
- Open Source data processing: The project is open source, the entire edge and node creation process can be studied in the notebook.
Each node in the graph represents a character while the edges between nodes signify relationships based on the context of frequency of interactions. The process used is inspired by the network of thrones data process.
- Web Graph Visualization: The interactive web graph is built using the Sigma.js.
- Data Management: The data was algorithmically organized and processed using Gephi.
To explore the graph:
- Visit the Adonalsium Web Graph.
- Use the interface to navigate through the relationships, zoom in on specific connections, and filter the data to find interesting relationship patterns.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.