Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has shown promising results in robotic manipulator path planning for complex goals. However, to this point, no method guarantees the safety of highly dynamic obstacles, such as humans, in manipulator control. This lack of formal safety prevents the application of RL for manipulators in real-world human environments. Therefore, we propose a shielding mechanism that guarantees ISO-verified human safety while training and deploying RL algorithms on manipulators. We utilize a fast reachability analysis of humans and manipulators to guarantee that the manipulator comes to a full stop before a human can reach it. Our proposed method not only guarantees safety but also significantly improves the RL performance by preventing episode-ending collisions. We present the performance of our proposed method in simulation using human motion capture data.
Our code is partly based on an early version of our published human reachability package SaRA. We are planning on integrating the new version of SaRA in our safety shield soon.
We work on Ubuntu 20.04. If you run Ubuntu 20.04, you can install our project locally with the following steps. Otherwise, you can use a Docker container as described below. A Nvidia graphics card is required if you want to display the simulation GUI.
Install ROS noetic
Go into catkin workspace root folder
cd src/catkin_ws
Add to your
:source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash export ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT=PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS alias kill_gazebo='$ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/'
Make sure to replace PATH_TO_CATKIN_WS with the copied path. The
command can be used if not all ros and gazebo tasks are closed. -
Install anaconda and create a conda environment with Py 3.6
conda create -n robot-rl python=3.6 conda activate robot-rl
Go into catkin workspace root folder
cd src/catkin_ws
Install ros dependencies. Do this now and when checking out a new branch or pulling big changes:
rosdep update rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Install pip requirenments
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
(Optional): Install spinup.
cd src/spinningup/ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev pip install -e .
Unfortunately, the spinningup repo has a bug regarding tf1 and pytorch. There is already a ticket on their github and I commented a simple solution (openai/spinningup#333).
Compile the modrob workstation library To compile the workstation library, execute the following steps:
- create a build directory in the workstation folder and cd into it
mkdir $ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/src/modrob_workstation/workstation/build cd $ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/src/modrob_workstation/workstation/build
- generate a make file with cmake
cmake ..
- compile the library with the generated make file
Build project In catkin workspace root folder: Either
for debug and development, or
for deployment and training on server. IMPORTANT:
source devel/setup.bash
This needs to be repeated for every new bash.
Run the training
roslaunch example_modrob_human_training start_training_safe_human_her_sac_modrob1.launch
Set the parameters of the RL algorithm in
Set the parameters of the robot task (like goal position, accuracy, time in between movements, etc.) in
You can use the recommended parameters for the random goal experiment in
or for the evading human experiment in
To disable the safety shield, go to the file
and change the line 110 from
The results will be saved in
We provide the training results of the safe and unsafe agent (baseline) for two experiments: random goal and evading human. These experiments are located in
To test these models, you will need to adapt the file
Choose the correct outdir
and choose the load_epoch
(195 for fully trained model).
Install docker according to
Build the docker container (You only need to rebuild if you change something in the package.xml files or in the spinningup folder.)
cd src/catkin_ws
Since the simulation needs the graphical representation of gazebo, we need to run a nvidia-docker2 container. A nvidia graphics card with CUDA support is required.
sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
This is not the deep learning support. Check cuDNN for this.
curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
sudo pkill -SIGHUP dockerd
Build the docker container (You only need to rebuild if you change something in the package.xml files or in the spinningup folder.)
cd src/catkin_ws
Execute every command in ./
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/src/spinningup/"
sudo rm -r devel/ build/
conda activate robot-rl
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
catkin_make clean
mkdir $ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/src/modrob_workstation/workstation/build
cd $ROBOT_RL_SIM_ROOT/src/modrob_workstation/workstation/build
cmake ..
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile