This is the README file of the GMFG project. To run the code, configure the environment with conda virtual env
conda create --name gmfg
conda activate gmfg
pip install -r requirements.txt
See the Finite_Horizon folder for the implementation of the beach bar model with finite horizon.
- For the beach experiment and the Financial Network experiment, to change the reward function, refer to the following files.
cd Finite_Horizon/
See games/Finite/ to change the reward_g function, and in games/ we will use the reward function quoting reward_g function. In this way we can chang the structure of the reward function, the same applies to other models such as the Cyber network and other models as well. 2. To choose different Graphon functions, refer to /games/ and you can define the graphon function you want and import the function in the main file to initialize the game.
See the Infinite_Horizon folder for the implementation of the ring game and the epidemic model with infinite horizon.