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This is the result of my experimental implementation of an event-sourced (ES), CQRS system. I deliberately wanted to experiment with writing my own ES+CQRS system without a library, in order to gain a deeper understanding of how such systems are designed.

The name comes from the numeronym style that is trending these days e.g. i18n, o11y, k8s. Originally I named it CQRS-Clojure, but then I couldn't resist the pun and shortened it to 4-Clojure 😎


Running Natively

Given that you have Clojure and a JVM installed, you can start up the app via

PORT=8080 clojure --main main

Providing an environment variable with the key PORT will override the default. Default port is 8080.


I have provided a means of running the application inside it's own Docker container via the makefile.

make run-docker


Testing Natively

To run tests:

clojure -M:test

Building a Standalone .jar File

Building Natively (recommended)

Build a standalone uber-JAR with the following commands:

clojure -T:build clean
clojure -T:build uber

The compiled .jar will be created in the target/ directory.

From there you can execute the compiled .jar with

java -jar target/four-clojure-standalone.jar

This method is preferred as you can be sure that your compiled .jar is compatible with your version of the JVM on your system. This is not the case when using a container!

Building via Docker (not recommended)

If you wish, you can compile an uber-JAR using the Dockerfile provided. Simply run

make docker-build

Which will also compile a .jar, and then copy it into the target/ directory.

However this approach has some drawbacks, you need to make sure that the .jar file compiled in the container is compatible with your local JVM. Currently, the Docker container compiles for Java 21. If this is not compatible with your local setup, you need to adjust build.Dockerfile to the correct base image to ensure compatibility.


The domain is a primitive banking system with the following functions:

  • A user can create an account
    • The user has the ability to specify an ID, or have one automatically generated
  • A user can deposit an amount into an account
  • A user can withdraw a valid amount from an account
    • i.e. a user can only withdraw an amount up to the current balance contained in the account

Invalid events are still recorded in the event store, but given a rejected event-type. Examples that would cause a rejected event include

  • A user trying to create an account with an ID that already exists
  • A user trying to deposit or withdraw into/from an account that does not exist
  • A user trying to deposit or withdraw a negative or zero amount

Note that the units of the amount deposited/withdrawn to/from the account are cents, not dollars.


The system follows an event-sourced, CQRS architecture. This is more succinctly explained with the diagram below:

title: Banking CQRS System
flowchart TD
    subgraph Commands
        CreateAccountCommand(`Create Account` command) --> CreateAccountCommandValidation([Validation])
        AlterAmountCommands(`Deposit/Withdraw Amount` command) --> AlterAmountCommandsValidation([Validation])

    subgraph WriteModels [Write Models]
        Account2[Another Account] ~~~ Account[Account]

    EventStore -. `Account Created` event .-> WriteModelFactory[Write Model Factory]
    WriteModelFactory -- Creates --> Account
    WriteModelFactory -- Creates --> Account2

    EventStore -. update state on<br/>`Amount Deposited/Withdrawn`</br>events .-> Account
    EventStore -.-> Account2

    CreateAccountCommandValidation -- `Account Created` event ---> EventStore[(Event Store)]
    AlterAmountCommandsValidation -- `Amount Deposited/Withdrawn` event --> EventStore
    AlterAmountCommandsValidation -- `Deposit/Withdrawal Rejected` event --> EventStore

    subgraph ReadModels [Read Models]
        TotalReserve[Total Reserve]

        subgraph AccountsCurrentBalances [Accounts Current Balances]
            CurrentBalance[Current Account Balance]
            CurrentBalance2[Another Current Account Balance]

    EventStore -. `Account Created` event ..-> ReadModelFactory[Read Model Factory]
    ReadModelFactory -- Creates --> CurrentBalance
    ReadModelFactory -- Creates --> CurrentBalance2

    EventStore -. update state on<br/>`Amount Deposited/Withdrawn`<br/>events .-> TotalReserve
    EventStore -. update state on<br/>`Amount Deposited/Withdrawn`<br/>events .-> CurrentBalance
    CurrentBalance2 <-.-> EventStore

API Example Usage

Create an account

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/account/ --data '{"name":"my example account name"}'

Deposit into account

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/account/deposit/3779b736-f0bb-46c4-bbab-be33d80bb4d6 --data '{"amount":100000000,"description":"Found sunken treasure"}'

Withdraw from account

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/account/withdraw/3779b736-f0bb-46c4-bbab-be33d80bb4d6 --data '{"amount":100000,"description":"Parking fines"}'

Get the status of an account

curl http://localhost:8080/account/3779b736-f0bb-46c4-bbab-be33d80bb4d6

Query the reserve

curl http://localhost:8080/reserve

Questions raised during development

How should we handle receiving events out-of-order?

  • e.g. What if we receive a amount-deposited event before the corresponding account-created event?
  • For now, I have opted to still record them in the event store, but as *-rejected events.


  • Move validation logic into aggregate
  • Add API (router) tests
  • Add API tests using (start-app)
  • Investigate if it's possible to write a when-let macro with multiple bindings, preferably short-circuiting.
    • It can be called when-lets
  • Implement more complex complex domain behaviour
    • Might have to learn more about how banking works
  • Add specs for data structures used: account read/write-models, reserve, maybe event-store events?
  • Add persistent storage implementations (e.g. Postgres database), possible order of attack:
    1. Event store
    2. Account read model
    3. Reserve read model
    4. Account write model


An event-sourced, CQRS banking system written in Clojure







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