A library built for rust that makes setting and getting pixels from co-ordinates easy, aswell as handling displaying different layers on top of each other. Works with the max7219 crate on 8x8 matrix displays.
Whilst this crate was built to support multiple displays, it has never been tested using multiple displays, use at your own discretion
use panic_halt as _;
use max7219::MAX7219;
use max7219_canvas::{ layer::CanvasLayer, DisplayCanvas };
fn main() -> ! {
let dp = arduino_hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pins = arduino_hal::pins!(dp);
// Replace with your pin setup
let din = pins.d13.into_output();
let cs = pins.d12.into_output();
let clk = pins.d11.into_output();
// Setup the display
let mut display = MAX7219::from_pins(1 /* 1 display */, din, cs, clk).unwrap();
display.set_intensity(0, 0x0f).unwrap(); // Set intensity of the first display to maximum
// Create display canvas
let mut canvas: DisplayCanvas<2 /* 2 layers */, 1 /* 1 display */> = DisplayCanvas::new();
// Create a static layer that never changes
let mut static_layer = CanvasLayer::new();
// Smiley face
static_layer.set_pixel(1, 3, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(1, 2, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(2, 1, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(3, 1, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(4, 1, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(5, 1, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(6, 2, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(6, 3, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(1, 6, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(2, 6, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(1, 5, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(2, 5, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(6, 6, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(5, 6, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(6, 5, true);
static_layer.set_pixel(5, 5, true);
// Create an animated layer
let mut animated_layer = CanvasLayer::new();
let mut animation_position: usize = 0;
loop {
// Update the animated layer
animated_layer.set_pixel(animation_position, animation_position, true);
animation_position = (animation_position + 1) % 8;
// Update the display
canvas.update_layer(0, static_layer);
canvas.update_layer(1, animated_layer);
canvas.write_to_display(0, &mut display); // Display the canvas to the first display