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Releases: JaneliaSciComp/JRCLUST


09 Oct 22:28
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Improved automated clustering for small amplitude units
For feature extraction, vcSpkRef='nmean' now subtracts the average spike waveform across sites
excluding the nearest half of the sites from the center site. Previously the Local average was
calculated by excluding only the center site.


09 Oct 02:15
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Improved automated clustering
Setting the flag fRepeat_clu=1 (default) will re-runs clustering for the lower half of the cluster amplitudes.
For Neuropixels probes, the default number of sites for feature extraction is increased:
nSites_spk = 1+2maxSite-nSites_ref = 1+6.52-4 = 10
CUDA codes are recomplied to accept up to 45 feature dimensions (previously 30).
The max number of dimensions is stored in "nC_max" parameter (read-only, do not change).


30 Sep 00:51
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Bugfix: negative rho is fixed. This was caused by dc==0 (radius of the neighbor-finding spheres)
when the median distance-cutoff was zero. This is fixed by discarding zero-distance values before
calculating the quantile values.

Display fix: curves in rho-delta plot (bottom-right plot in the manual view) is suppressed.
These spikes come from delta==0 values whose nearest pair has exactly same feature scores.
These spikes are now hidden from the display.


29 Sep 20:28
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"jrc gui" menu items are disabled if can't run given the current state, just like the buttons do.
Current version number of JRCLUST is overwritten in P.version after running.


28 Sep 13:55
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Shows change_log.txt after git-pull


28 Sep 13:46
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New UI si added: jrc gui
It opens a GUI that allows users to access majority of the JRCLUST commands via menu or buttons.
This is recommended for new users who are not familiar with JRCLUST commands.


28 Sep 09:01
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added parameter validator and sample_list.txt file for unit-testing a…