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Agama DS candidate notation

Jose edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 8 revisions


A candidate graphical notation for Agama Developer Studio is presented here. In short, it is a simplification of the flowcharting notation most programmers are familiar with and is focused on some peculiarities of Agama flows.

You may like to check this page before proceeding.

DSL's most-commonly used features

So far almost all bodies of implemented flows use just the following:

  • Call
  • Trigger
  • RRF
  • Finish
  • Log
  • Assignments and variable manipulations
  • Repeat/Quit (rarely)
  • When (without otherwise)

These hold enough power to do interesting stuff

When/Otherwise are the equivalents of C's if...else in case you don't know Agama DSL. Repeat/Quit resembles for...break

Note only Repeat and When are structural

When (w/o Otherwise) is common

A pattern that appears frequently in Agama flows is where upon a given condition the flow is simply terminated.

C-like example:

if (my boolean condition) {
    do A
    return X
do B

which is a better version than:

if (my boolean condition) {
    do A
    return X
} else {
    do B

Otherwise usage is a bit uncommon. Flows tend to look a lot like:

if (condition_1) {
if (condition_2) {
    if (condition_2_1) {

no elses...

Proposal: No Otherwise

What if we don't offer an "else" equivalent in our graphical editor?

Not allowed Allowed
not_allowed allowed

It turns out this brings some benefits for diagramming as we'll see later

Note: In the table above, a rectangle denotes a process which can be a single step, or composite (containining diamonds and rectangles inside)

Unable to avoid the "else" in a flow? There is a workaround. Say we have:

if (cond) {
} else {

this can be re-arranged to:

A_done = false
if (cond) {
    A_done = true
if (A_done is false) {

a bit ugly, right

Proposed notation

  1. Use a rectangle to represent one of:

    • Call
    • Trigger
    • RRF
    • Quit (see below)
    • Finish
    • A set of consecutive assignments and/or variable manipulations
  2. Use an inverted dashed triangle to denote When (without otherwise). Think of it as the lower half of a diamond - I preferred it dashed because the (solid) inverted triangle is already used in flowcharting techniques for merging: when two or more sub-processes become one

  3. No nesting: no rectangles/triangles inside rectangles/triangles

  4. However, a set of consecutive rectangles can be grouped to configure iteration (Repeat). A Quit rectangle can appear at most once in a group of this kind

Note the proposal does not cover how an Agama flow header should be specified. However, that's clearly an easy task.

Layout rules

  • Consecutive elements (rectangles and triangles) are layed out like a string of beads (i.e. in a thread/strand) horizontally from left to right
  • No arrows to indicate direction, just an horizontal line
  • Under a triangle a new horizontal line is originated and the rules apply again
  • The last (right-most) element on a line originated by a triangle does not need to be chained to the next executable element in the upper line sequence:
    • unless a Finish rectangle was reached, the flow simply continues at the element to the right of the originating triangle
    • if there is nothing to the right of that triangle, try one level upwards and so on
  • The contents under a triangle can be collapsed to hide detail



Text inside elements is descriptive. Actual details would be shown on hover, like the boolean expression applicable to the triangle.

More rules

  • On a given line, there can be at most one Finish rectangle
  • Call, Trigger, RRF, Quit, and Finish rectangles can hold any number of assignments/variable manipulations before the given operation is executed. This helps making diagrams more compact, specifically by grouping data manipulation statements directly related to the operation of interest
  • Call, Trigger, RRF, and Quit can hold any number of Log statements anywhere

A more complete example

Click here

In this authentication flow the user's first login is detected and the user routed to other flows in order to enroll a second-factor. First, a mobile phone number is attempted, if failed, an OTP device is tried. This flow succeeds when a user has enrolled a credential (upon first login) or passed the 2fa authentication flow (subsequent logins).

The green callouts are not part of the diagram. They were added as a hint of the things people could see when the given element is explored.


  • Simple representation:

    • No arrows needed
    • Collapsible
    • Hierarchical like a tree - in contrast to flow charts which resemble directed cyclic graphs
  • Easy to follow: left to right, top-bottom-up

  • Agama code generation should not be too hard

  • With this notation, the UI editor is probably easier to code in comparison to using the classical programming flowchart notation

  • ... and drag-and-drop may not be strictly necessary: one could right-click anywhere in an horizontal line to insert a component at that point

  • Developers might benefit from this tool, specially when they are starting with Agama

Wish list

  • Place icons on the rectangles to easily distinguish their kind

  • When creating/editing a Trigger rectangle, allow to pick the flow to trigger from the list of existing registered flows

  • When creating/editing a Call rectangle, allow to pick the Java class and method to invoke (like in "Actions" of former demo videos). This would be sophisticated

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