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Contains code snippets for JavaScript test frameworks for VS Code editor


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VS Code JavaScript testing framework snippets

This extension contains code snippets for the three main JavaScript testing frameworks: Jasmine, Jest and Mocha. You can switch between the code snippets available by setting your preferred framework at a User or Workspace level in the settings page. You can also choose the quote style (", ' or `) you prefer at a User or Workspace level for your desc methods.

Original credit should goto xabikos for writing this extension which was based off of the Jasmine test framework and is based on the awesome sublime-jasmine package by @NicoSantangelo.

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.

Jest Commands

Trigger Content
aa→ afterAll method
aaa→ afterAllAsync method
ae→ afterEach method
aea→ afterEachAsync method
ba→ beforeAll method
baa→ beforeAllAsync method
be→ beforeEach method
bea→ beforeEachAsync method
desc→ describe method
it→ it method
ait→ itAsync method
aat→ afterAllTimeout method
aet→ afterEachTimeout method
bat→ beforeAllTimeout method
bet→ beforeEachTimeout method
desce→ describeEach method
desco→ describeOnly method
desceo→ describeOnlyEach method
descsk→ describeSkip method
descse→ describeSkipEach method
exp→ expect method
expe→ expect.extend method
expa→ expect.anything method
exy→ expect.any method
ac→ expect.arrayContaining method
ass→ expect.assertions method
ha→ expect.hasAssertions method
nac→ expect.not.arrayContaining method
noc→ expect.not.objectContaining(object) method
nsc→ expect.not.stringContaining method
nsm→ expect.not.stringMatching method
oc→ expect.objectContaining method
sc→ expect.stringContaining method
sm→ expect.stringMatching method
ass→ expect.addSnapshotSerializer method
ito→ itOnly method
itsk→ itSkip method
not→ not method
res→ resolves method
rej→ rejects method
te→ test method
tea→ testAsync method
tee→ testEach method
teo→ testOnly method
teoe→ testOnlyEach method
tsk→ testSkip method
tske→ testSkipEach method
ttodo→ testToDo method
tb→ toBe method
tbc→ toHaveBeenCalled method
bct→ toHaveBeenCalledTimes method
bcw→ toHaveBeenCalledWith method
bclw→ toHaveBeenLastCalledWith method
bncw→ toHaveBeenNthCalledWith method
hr→ toHaveReturned method
hrt→ toHaveReturnedTimes method
hrw→ toHaveReturnedWith method
hlrw→ toHaveLastReturnedWith method
tnrw→ toHaveNthReturnedWith method
hl→ toHaveLength method
hp→ toHaveProperty method
bclt→ toBeCloseTo method
tbd→ toBeDefined method
tbf→ toBeFalsy method
gt→ toBeGreaterThan method
gte→ toBeGreaterThanOrEqual method
lt→ toBeLessThan method
lte→ toBeLessThanOrEqual method
bio→ toBeInstanceOf method
bnu→ toBeNull method
btr→ toBeTruthy method
bund→ toBeUndefined method
bnan→ toBeNaN method
tcon→ toContain method
tce→ toContainEqual method
te→ toEqual method
tm→ toMatch method
tmo→ toMatchObject method
tms→ toMatchSnapshot method
tmis→ toMatchInlineSnapshot method
tse→ toStrictEqual method
ttr→ toThrow method
ttrer→ toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot method
tterrin→ toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot method

Jasmine Commands

Trigger Content
aa→ afterAll method
aaa→ afterAllAsync method
ae→ afterEach method
aea→ afterEachAsync method
ba→ beforeAll method
baa→ beforeAllAsync method
be→ beforeEach method
bea→ beforeEachAsync method
desc→ describe method
it→ it method
ait→ itAsync method
aat→ afterAllTimeout method
aet→ afterEachTimeout method
bat→ beforeAllTimeout method
bet→ beforeEachTimeout method
exp→ expect method
expa→ expectAsync method
fa→ fail method
fdesc→ focusDescribe method
fit→ focusedIt method
pen→ pending method
ssp→ setSpecProperty method
ssup→ setSuiteProperty method
so→ spyOn method
soaf→ spyOnAllFunctions method
spg→ spyOnProperty get method
sps→ spyOnProperty set method
xdesc→ xDescribe method
xit→ xIt method
xait→ xItAsync method

mocha commands

Trigger Content
aa→ afterAll method
aaa→ afterAllAsync method
ae→ afterEach method
aea→ afterEachAsync method
ba→ beforeAll method
baa→ beforeAllAsync method
be→ beforeEach method
bea→ beforeEachAsync method
desc→ describe method
it→ it method
ait→ itAsync method
desco→ describeOnly method
descsk→ describeSkip method
ito→ itOnly method
itsk→ itSkip method


Contains code snippets for JavaScript test frameworks for VS Code editor







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