An matrix multiplication view of the Convolution Arithmetic, which is better to display the relationship between the convolution and transposed convolution.
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
Latex: It is recommended to install TexLive 2021.
pip install -r requirements.txt
(converting pdf to png) andgifsicle
sudo apt install imagemagick-6.q16
sudo apt install gifsicle
Set ImageMagick security policy 'PDF' blocking conversion (Ref) by adding
<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />
just before </policymap>
in /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
If an error about cache resources exhausted
is raised by convert-im6.q16
, you must make another modification of the policy.xml
: Change <policy domain="resource" name="disk" value="1GiB"/>
to <policy domain="resource" name="disk" value="8GiB"/>
usage: [-h] {arithmetic,numerical} ...
Compile a LaTeX figure as part of a convolution animation.
positional arguments:
arithmetic convolution arithmetic animation
numerical numerical convolution animation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e STEP, --step STEP animation step. (default: 0)
-i INPUT_SIZE, --input-size INPUT_SIZE
input size. (default: 5)
-o OUTPUT_SIZE, --output-size OUTPUT_SIZE
output size. (default: 3)
-p PADDING, --padding PADDING
zero padding. (default: 0)
-k KERNEL_SIZE, --kernel-size KERNEL_SIZE
kernel size. (default: 3)
-s STRIDE, --stride STRIDE
stride. (default: 1)
-d DILATION, --dilation DILATION
dilation. (default: 1)
-a, --animation Make an animation output instead of a single step pdf.
-y {pdf,png}, --type {pdf,png}
Output type of a single frame. (default: png)
-q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
Quality of the frame. Larger is better. (default: 600)
Quality of the animation. Larger is better. (default: 150)
arithmetic optional arguments:
-t, --transposed use a transposed convolution
numerical optional arguments:
-m {convolution,average,max}, --mode {convolution,average,max}
kernel mode (default: convolution)
- conv: input=5, padding=1, kernel=3, stride=2, step=0
python arithmetic -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 -e 0 arithmetic_conv
The output png/pdf is genearted in ./out/
- transposed conv: input=5, padding=1, kernel=3, stride=2, step=1
python arithmetic -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 -e 1 -t arithmetic_transposed_conv
python numerical -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 numerical_conv
python numerical -i 6 -k 2 -s 2 numerical_max
- Add options to directly generate a gif file that contains all the steps. Just add the
option (and remove the-e STEP
option, actually it will be omitted) to directly make animations.
python arithmetic -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 arithmetic_conv -a
The gif is genearted in ./gif/
python arithmetic -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 -t arithmetic_transposed_conv -a
python numerical -i 5 -p 1 -k 3 -s 2 numerical_conv -a
python numerical -i 6 -k 2 -s 2 numerical_max -a
A new mode alphabet
is introduced for understanding the conv and transposed conv in a matrix multiplication view.
- Stride = 1
# The first frame
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 alphabet_conv
# Animation with lower quality for an acceptable time
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 alphabet_conv -a -qa 150
# The first frame
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 alphabet_transposed_conv -t
# Animation with lower quality for an acceptable time
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 alphabet_transposed_conv -t -a -qa 150
- Stride = 2
# The first frame
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 -s 2 -p 1 alphabet_conv_s2
# Animation
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 -s 2 -p 1 alphabet_conv_s2 -a -qa 150
# The first frame
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 -s 2 -p 1 alphabet_transposed_conv_s2 -t
# Animation
python alphabet -i 5 -k 3 -s 2 -p 1 alphabet_transposed_conv_s2 -t -a -qa 150
Here we list some notes when using the library.
- Automatically compute the output size in
arithmetic - conv
. - Dilation rate is fixed to 1 in
arithmetic - transposed conv
. - The arguments for
transposed conv
is actually the arguments of the correspondingconv
. Using the term in the paper, the user should inputi, o, k, p, s
, instead ofi', o', k', p', s'
Thanks to vdumoulin/conv_arithmetic.