A web-based wildfire data visualization system based on Echarts.js, Spring Boot and Mysql.
Before running this project, please make sure that you have already installed Java.
IntelliJ IDEA is strongly recommended for this project.
Please note that Baidu Map API is embedded in this project. You need to apply for a access key here for free.
After getting an access key, put it here in all .html files.
Please follow these steps to start running our website:
- Clone or download our project
git clone https://github.com/Jason0917/WildFire_Data_Visualization.git
Establish a Mysql database, create tables and import data from under the datasets folder.
Go to /src/main/resources/application.properties and modify the configuration accordingly.
Run DataVisualizationApplication.java under /src/main/java/com/visualization/visualization to start the server-side application.
Open Wildfire_Scattermap.html as the entry point to visit our website. Please note that by default, all HTTP requests will be sent to http://localhost:8443.
So far, only Wild fire scatter map, heat map, wind map and precipitation map are included in this project. More visualization tools can be found at Echarts.js.
For this project, National Fire Database fire point data is used to be visualized. However, more wildfire datasets in different formats can be found at CWFIS.
If there are any issues or any suggestions, please contact zjian3@ualberta.ca.
Thanks! (^_^)