TL;DR Super awesome list of resources for people who want to learn deep learning
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You generally need to learn about basics of Machine Learning before you start practicing Deep Learning
- What is machine learning - Video series
- ML vds DL
- What is Machine Learning - Comparison with X
- DanB machine learning tutorials
- High level view of ML
- One hot encoding
- Feature Engineering
- Lexical Analysis Terminologies
- Xgboost example 1
- Xgboost example 2
- Google Machine Learning Crash Course
- ML Cheatsheet with various Python examples
- History of deep learning - very high level overview
- How to Make Data Amazing
- Super awesome psudo code of all important Deep Learning algorithms
- Terminologies
- What is intuition in Deep Learning?
- Deep Learning tutorials by DanB
- Deep Learning Course by Kaggle
- Backpropogation in Python from scratch
- Saving Keras model and weights
- Getting started with the Keras Sequential model
- Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms
- Model Loss Functions in Keras
- Linear Algebra for Deep Learning cheat sheet
- Linear Algebra for Deep Learning cheat sheet 2
- In-depth
- Friendly guide to CNN
- CNN Cat vs Dog in Keras
- Really good CNN notebook demo + Flask
- Easy to follow CNN digit recogniser tutorial
- Capsule Network
- CNN for beginners
- CNN in detail by Stanford
- CNN cifar10 implementation in TF
- CNN cifar10 implementation in TF 2
- Andrew Ng Youtube series
- CNN Striding
- Dropout
- Keras classification example
- Cat vs Dog classification tutorial
- Cat vs Dog classification Keras
- VGG paper
- Deep learning for image denoising and superresolution
- Fast and Accurate Image Super Resolution by Deep CNN with Skip Connection and Network in Network
- Predict Sentiment From Movie Reviews Using Deep Learning
- LSTM + Word Embedding IMDB
- A Word2Vec Keras tutorial
- Kears Embedding Visualisation
- Nice ML and DL training
- DanB Kaggle Kernels
- My First Month as a Junior Data-Scientist
- How to read Maths notations
- Installing Tensorflow and Keras on Windows
- Effective TensorFlow for Non-Experts (Google I/O '17)
- TensorFlow 101 (Really Awesome Intro Into TensorFlow)