Recent changes (Updated methods)
• Used a separate folder for each step in the pipeline:
observations to velocity fields: otv-filename
strufture functions: sf-filename
confidence intervals: ci-filename
• Changed file names:
Instrument - region - emission line
• Paths to input and output data in .txt file within each folder.
-This needs to be done just one time
• Added emission lines:
- NGC 604: H O
- NGC 595: H
- Hubble X: H
- Hubble V: H
- Orion: H N O S
- Dor: H N
- NGC 346: H O S
- EON: H N O S
- Carina: H N S
- Lagoon: H N S
• Changed the format of the results:
- .pkl -> .json
• All notebooks now have .py files.
• Physical properties table in .csv file.
• Added weigthed structure functions .
• Hanel H O N S radial velocity maps now on .fits files.
En este repositorio se encuentra la metodología utilizada en el trabajo de doctorado 'Turbulencia en el medio interestelar' de la ESFM,IPN (CDMX, México). Esta metodología consiste en el procesamiento de observaciones astronomicas previamente reducidas para la obtención de muestras de datos utiles y la aplicación de diferentes análisis estadísticos a las observaciones.
In this repository is the methodology used in the doctoral dissertation 'Turbulence in the interstellar medium' of the ESFM, IPN (CDMX, Mexico). This methodology consists of the processing of astronomical observations previously reduced to obtain viable data samples and the application of different statistical analysis to the observations.